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Family and Friends for CoisaCoisa to Remember these Birthdays. In My Life by Lennon and McCartney lyrics

In My Life

There are places I'll remember
 All my life though some have changed
Some forever not for better
Some have gone and some remain 

Lyrics by
Lennon and McCartney
sung by the Beatles

All these places have their moments
With lovers and friends I still can recall
Some are dead and some are living
 In my life I've loved them all






Andrea S 1-Jan Yvonne W 1-May Brendan Eric G 3-Sep
Daniel Michael N 7-Jan Peggy R 12-May Helton D 13-Sep
William L (deceased 2017) 10-Jan Rose H 16-May Jessica H 15-Sep
Adeline M 12-Jan        
Alex M 16-Jan Gary S 26-May Jonathan L 16-Sep
Ruth M 17-Jan Julia M 28-May Wai L 19-Sep
Helenice 21-Jan Dee Y (Deceased) 29-May Kelly S 29-Sep
Olga K (deceased) 23-Jan        
Justin Paul M 28-Jan Doris M  (Deceased)  29-May Eleanor R (Deceased) 30-Sep
Stella K 28-Jan Dave O 30-May







Thomas R 2-Feb Kelly M 6-Jun Frank G 2-Oct
Mathew G 6-Feb Ruby B ( deceased ) 11-Jun Dillion Mathew G 2-Oct
Nathan M 7-Feb Rose G (deceased) 17-Jun Gerald F 3-Oct
Kelsey B 9-Feb John R 30-Jun Gloria G 7-Oct
Chester C 11-Feb Silesia O 9-Oct
Janine L 14-Feb Archana G 17-Oct
Helder  M (deceased) 28-Feb Lee E 21-Oct







Baby S 1-Mar Donadean G (Deceased) 4-Jul Sherri Donadean S 7-Nov
Pat G 1-Mar Peter T 8-Jul Umberto D 8-Nov
Mucio L (deceased 2015 12 26) 1-Mar Peter N 8-Jul Lisa D 10-Nov
    Abbey R 9-Jul Gavin M 16-Nov
Nancy G  (deceased 2014 08 12) 2-Mar Vicentina D 17-Jul Leonid Meteor Shower
Leonid Meteor Shower  with the Moon
Elvera B 4-Mar Clint B 17-Jul
Donna P 6-Mar Jared M 19-Jul
Murilo M 6-Mar    
Coralia S (Deceased) 7-Mar Emogene K (deceased 2017.03.17) 28-Jul
Jeanette A (Deceased June 15 2014) 8-Mar Scott R 28-Jul
    Colin M 28-Jul
Carlos O 9-Mar Cassandra Victoria G 30-Jul
Marco A.H (Deceased) 11-Mar Raphael N 31-Jul
Melinda G 12-Mar Bean and Bacon Days
Bean and Bacon Days
Pedro B 16-Mar
Heloisa N 23-Mar
Micaela Ann R 23-Mar
Betty F 24-Mar
Nicole F 24-Mar
Norma W (deceased July 13 2013 26-Mar







Bunny C 7-Apr Gerald F 2-Aug Sergio R 8-Dec
John K (deceased) 8-Apr Gordon G (Deceased) 4-Aug Sally D (deceased) 10-Dec
Eduarda A 12-Apr Tami 6-Aug Kathy B 11-Dec
    Fred M 7-Aug    
Ruth P (Deceased 2014-05-06) 19-Apr Roger G (Deceased) 7-Aug Helvio D (deceased) 13-Dec
Michelle 27-Apr Lore R 9-Aug Guillermo Z 14-Dec
Amelia F 28-Apr Regina M 13-Aug Dennis K 16-Dec
Ring Galaxy
Ring Galaxy within Ring Galaxy
 Discovered by the Hubble Telescope
September 2002
Ardith K 15-Aug Christopher L. 16-Dec
Michael Thomas R 16-Aug Kaydi S 18-Dec
Fil C 20-Aug Cindy S  18-Dec
Stacey R 22-Aug Jean H  20-Dec
Ricardo N 23-Aug Orville G  27-Dec
Rogerio  Aug 24  Debbie R 23-Dec
Cassandra Victoria 30-Aug Jeffery R 27-Dec

Also see the The William Knuth Family of Augusta Wisconsin

Last Names

Goller, Moreira, de Paulo, Grams, Randall, Knuth, Conway, Ferguson, Rodrigues, Berlin, Pellmann, Guse, Saxe, Wheeler, Ayres, Larges, Moore, Dobrus, Lennon, McCartney, Bennett, Fatmann, Gullo, Haddock, Adams, Ngo, McGrath, Wong, Yaonne, Mitsuda, Madden, Lee, Hall, Cal, Savin, Brown


Life, places, The Beatles, changed, forever, gone, Lyrics, moments, lovers, friends, recall, dead, living, life, loved, January, May, September, Andrea, Yvonne, Brendan, Eric, Daniel, Peggy, Helton, William, Jessica, Alex, Gary, Jonathan, Ruth, Julia, Wai, Helenice, Dee, Kelly, Justin, Paul, Doris, Eleanor, Dave, February, June, October, Kelly, Frank, Ruby, Dillion, Mathew, Nathan, Rose, Kelsey, Gloria, Chester, Silesia, Janine, Archana, Helder, Lee, March, July, November, Bean and Bacon Days, Donadean, Sherri, Pat, Peter, Umberto, Mucio, lee, Lisa, Nancy, Abbey, Elvera, Vicentina, Donna, Clint, Murilo, Jared, Coralia, Emogene, Jeanette, Scott, Carlos, Victoria, Marco, Raphael, Melinda, Bean, Bacon, Days, Pedro, Heloisa, Micaela, Ann, Betty, Nicole, Norma, April, August, December, Bunny, Gerald, Sergio, John, Gordon, Sally, Eduarda, Tami, Kathy, Yanonne, Roger, Helvio, Michelle, Lore, Guillermo, Amelia, Regina, Dennis, Ardith, Christopher, Michael, Thomas, Kaydie, Fil, Jean, Stacey, Orville, Ricardo, Debbie, Rogerio, Jeffery, Cassandra, Last, Names:, Goller, Moreira, DePaulo, Paulo, Grams, Randall, Knuth, Conway, Ferguson, Rodrigues, Berlin, Pellmann, Guse, Saxe, Wheeler, Ayres, Larges, Moore, Dobrus, Lennon, McCartney, Bennett, Fatmann, Gullo, Haddock, Adams, Ngo, McGrath, Wong, Yanonne, Mitsuda, Madden