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Coisa Coisa 2010's Photo and Videos

Start of a new decade in the World and in America. The 2010s. Celebrating Brazilian Soccer, World Cup and The Olympics

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2010 Photographs

A Snowy Year in New York city including the Holiday Blizzard, visits by Sherri and Sally, entrance of Colin into the World, Olga with Tarcisio and Ines, Concinha and Lisette in New York and lots of videos

Cadillac Fleetwood from the front

New York 2010 Blizzard

Helton Olga and Toby

Elmhurst NY

Olga's Fleetwood Brougham Cadillac May 2010

2010 Great Blizzard on the East Coast.  New York's Record Blizzard.  The Holiday snow storm December 25 and 26


Helton Dennis and Olga Visit Stella in Larchmont - April 2010

The 2010 February 25 and 26 Blizzard in Elmhurst New York
Birthday with Lisette and Concinha 2010_12_19_asinhas_ny_013.jpg Tarcisio at the Thanks Giving Parade

New Grandson and Great Grandson Colin

December 10 Lisette and Concinha in New York Part 1 Photos

December 19 Lisette and Concinha Tour New York 2010 part 2 Photos

Ines and Tarcisio in New York for the Thanksgiving Day Parade

Colin gets welcomed to his Dad's side of the family

Videos for 2010

Liset and Conchina In NY Lisete and Concinha New York Xmas on 5th Avenue Video of Dennis in Wisconsin July 2010 Jared Birthday Video 

Lisette and Concinha in New York  Slide Show December 12 - 16 2010

 Lisette and Concinha in New York Video Slide Show December 17-19

July 2010 Video of Dennis in Wisconsin with Jared 

July 2010 Video of Jared's 5th Birthday

Sherri's Oriole Video

Video of Helton in the new kitchen  New York Blizzard Video 2010 

Helton's new kitchen thumb

Sherri's Baltimore Oriole in Wisconsin Video

Helton's New Kitchen after the Fire of July 2010 Video

New York Blizzard December 26-28 2010 Video

Helton's new Kitchen after the fire 2009 fire. Video

Thanksgiving 2010 Photo Slide Show


Thanksgiving 2010 at Olga's.  A video of all the ph0tographs


Sherri in New York with Sally Videos for 2010

New York 2010 Sherri Donadean and Sally  Sherri and Sally Astoria Park Video 2010  Brooklyn Bridge Hike Video Jazz in Central Park

Sherri and Sally in New York - Slide Show  all photos - video

Circle Line Cruise - about 40 minutes -video

Brooklyn Bridge - 2 minutes -video

Central Park Jazz - 4 Minutes - video

Central Park Delecorte Clock  Last Day in Central Park  View of Manhattan Video  Jacob Riis Park in Rockaway Queens 

Central Park Delacorte Clock- 5 Minutes - video

Central Park Walk - 5 Minutes - last day - video

New York and Queens from Home - 2 Minutes - last day

Jacob Riis Park and Beach - 6 minutes - video

Rockefeller Center NYC  Freedom Tower Trade Center Abuilding  Sherri and Sally Take the Circle Line Central Park Zoo Seals 

Rockefeller Center - LT 2 min video

World Trade Center Site and the New Freedom Tower 2 minutes

Circle Line Cruise - about 40 minutes -video

Central Park Zoo - 1 Minute


January 23 2011 Olgas 90th Apartment after fire Easter

Click to go to the Thumbnail Index Olga's 90th Birthday Photos

Video Slide Show of Olga's 90th Birthday Photos

Apartment Restored after the Fire

Sherri and Gary's Easter 2011 2011-04

Durand Days Dinosau      

 Durand Days 2011 in Wisconsin 2011-06-11


2012 Index of Phoenix Trip with Stella and Orestus


Orestus, Stella and Dennis in the parking lot near Sedona

Kitschy business in downtown Scottsdale Arizona


Sedona April 29

Scottsdale April 28

2012_04_25_arrive_a_papago_park_0011.jpg 2012_04_25_arrive_a_papago_park_0010.jpg 

Superstition Mountains and Stella

Garden like spacing of deset plants

Trip to Phoenix index with Stella and Orestus Full Index


Day 1: Apache Trail Tour

2012-04-27 Returning to Flagstaff from the Grand Canyon

High Resolution photos Grand Canyon

Desert moonscape and hardscrabble

Drving to Jerome

Black Canyon ranch on the way to Flagstaff Arizona

High Resolution Grand Canyon Photos April 27th

Painted Desert April 27

Jerome April 29, 2012

Black Rock Canyon April 29

Desert Trip 

Downtown Miami Arizonain

Dennis Knuth on The Road

Desert sunflowers in the Botanical Garden

2012-04-30 Trip through the Desert to Payson

Arizona Road Trip to Globe Miami May 1 2012

Roosevelt Lake April 30

Botanical Garden April 28

Video slide shows of our Phoenix trip

Phoenix Days 1 and 2 Phoenix Day 3 Phoenix Trip Day 4 through 7
Phoenix Days 1 and 2 with Stella and Orestus Video slide show Phoenix Days 3 with Stella and Orestus - The Botanical Garden and Scottsdale Phoenix Days 4 through 7 with Stella and Orestus

2012 Index - A Solitary Summer as father passes and we enjoy our Mom more

Colin and Great Grandfather John Knuth Choir Funeral family

Mother Emogene and Daughter Donadean

Great Grandfather John with Colin and family May 2012

Peggy Randall Sings in the Choir, July 18, 2012

Dads Funeral Week in Wisconsin 2012-06-15

Summer in Durand 2012


Olga with Dennis, Helton, and the bar owner Lisa     July Birthdays 2013 Sherri and Helton

Olga's 92nd Birthday 2013-01-21

July Birthdays 2013 for Emogene Jared and Colin at the farm

Christmas 2013 Holiday Season in Wisconsin


Statue ripoff New York City Tom and Abby 2014_06_12_abbey_and_tom_day_2_new_york_0021.jpg 2014_06_14_12_39_52___00020001.jpg
Tom and Abbey in New York June 11 - Day 1 Day 2 in New York for Abbey and Tom with Carlos Bakery Highlight. Day 3 AND 4 in New York.  Double Deck Bus and Shopping
Tom and Abby in NY Video Slide Show Day 1 Tom and Abby in NY Video Slide Show Day 2 Tom and Abby in NY Video Slide Show Dayw 3 and 4  

Tom and Abby in New York - Day 1 Video Slide Show

Tom and Abby in New York - Day 2 Video Slide Show

Tom and Abby in New York - Days 3 and 4 Video Slide Show

2014_09_18_sherri_beach_nyc_017.jpg Cinderella Playbill Wisconsonites on the beach Visiting Times Square

Grandma Sherri brings Kelsey and Jared to NYC in 2014 Full index of all days

Broadway with Sherri Jared and Kelsey 2014-09-18

Sherri Jared Dennis and Kelsey on the Beach 2014-09-18

Sherri Jared Kelsey visit Time Square 2014-09-19 And Helton's Office

Family in New York City hall park fountain FAO Schwarz toy store  

Justin and Julia Join Sherri Jared and Kelsey in New York 2014-09-20

Brooklyn Bridge, City Hall Park Sherri Jared and Kelsey in New York 2014-09-21

Central Park and a Toy Store 2014-09-22

911 Memorial World Trade Center Video Justin at the Memorial Feeding Seagulls at Riis Park The Beauty of Gulls Flying

911 World Trade Center Memorial Video from 2014

Video of Justin at the Trade Center Memorial

Feeding Seagulls Video at Riis Park

Video and The Beauty of Gulls Flying 2014

Barefeet on the Beach Turtles in Central Park Zoo A Staten Island Ferry Ride with a gun boat following on September 21   

Barefoot Feet on the Beach Video September 2014

Video of Turtles on the gem pond in Central Park Zoo

Video Ride on the Staten Island Ferry.  Gunboats follow us on September 21 2014

Beatufiful Wisconson Winter Yankees with Justin Colin and Dennis Brasil first win world cup 2014 Cassidy's Ale House
Frigid Farm - Beautiful Winter Wisconsin when the temperature is minus 20 degrees

2014-04-26 Justin Colin and Dennis Yankees

Video Brazil Scores a win in the World Cup 2014

Vivianne visits New York for the first time

Remembering Nancy Guse Dennis and Helton Knuth   Emhurst Blossoms

Remembering Nancy Guse we lost our dear friend 2014-08-11

Olga takes us to Buhari Restaurant for a treat


Miscellaneous Spring Time from Helton's Phone April 2014


Brazil 2015 Photos

View of Corcovado of Rio



Brazil Agenda, Trip and family and friends. Trip to Brasil

Brazil 2015 Videos

Brazian Engagement Party Engagement in Belo Hoizonte Belo Horizonte 2015 thumb Twisting Road to Corcovado the Christ 

Guigui and Melise get engaged video slide show

An engagement in Belo Horizonte - video

Belo Horizonte Slide show of our 2015 trip with Sharon, Debbie, Connor, Helton and Dennis

The winding road down from Corcovado, Video to the Christ

Concinha's Hollywood House part 1  Oliveira House of Concinha in Brazil 2015 part 2  Video slide show of Guigui's engagement   

Concinha's Hollywood House in Oliveira Brasil Part 1

Part 2 tour of the Hollywood House in Brazil

Melise and Guigui are engaged and about to get married in 2017.  A slide show of photos


2015 Photos

Christmas December 26 2015

Decembeer 24th Eve at the Farm


December 26 2015 after Helton Arrives

2015 Christmas Night at the Farm - They didn't wait for Dennis 

The Record setting Blizzard of 2015 that was not, January 2015

Janine in New York video after our visit to Brazil


Olga Kakavales at her 97th Birthday


Olg's 97th Birthday 2016 Jan 21, 2016

New Years 2016 celebration at Sharons Coisacoisa car in the Blizzard Enjoying the lawn Raphal Visits Wisconsin

Celebrating New Years Day, 2016 at a small party at Sharon's

The Great Blizzard of 2016. The Most Snow the New York has ever seen.  26 to 31 inches around the city

2016-09-06 Helton spends labor day in Wisconsin

2016-09-07 Raphael Visits

Emogene Christmas Family 2016 Jared's first video Thanksgiving 2016

Autumn visit to Augusta

Christmas 2016 2016-12-24 in Wisconsin

Jared's 2016 Christmas Video

Thanksgiving 2016 with Nate and Kelly 2016-11-26


Emogene and family in a common area at Dove Healthcare emogene Bees  

 Emogene Staying at Dove Health Care 2017-02-12

Emogene Knuth's Obituary.  Died March 17, 2017

Monarch Butterflies and Honey Bees video. Mom loved them

December Birthday      

Dennis and Debbies 2017 Birthdays in December



3435 Fairfax

gravestone thumbnail

Dancing Cow Video

New Apartment on Fairfax Street in 2018

Straw Bale Garden 2018

Emogene Grams Knuth Headstone

Dancing Cow Video


2019 photographs and videos of the last year of the Decade

Proving it was headed to 30 Degrees below Zerocoisacoisa, Historical, frigid, below, frigid, zero, Wisconsin, Eau Claire

Helton Depaulo and his mighty magical Oak

Friends that last a lifetime for Gloria


Almost Froze to Death during the Frigid January 2019

Day of Summer 2019 Straw Bales and Ode to Oak

Independence weekend at Glows 2019


Kakabeka Falls Ontario with Helton and Dennis

Sally with friends Helton, Sherri and Gary

Panorama of Glowg making a point

Soccer Playing Dog

Day trip to Canada August 27 2019

Sally visits on a July Day 2019

Ruth and Glow Visiting Wisconsin - October 2019

Soccer Dog Video on the Farm June 2019

Christmas Family in 2019

Debbie's 49th Birthday at Chicken Chaser


Christmas of All of Sherri and Gary's Family

Debbie's December Birthday at Chicken Chaser


The best video of the decade is the Soccer Dog Video

The end of the Decade, the last year of the 2010's started with record breaking snow and cold.  January set cold records and February set snow records

On to the new Decade, the 2020's next year