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The 2010 Great Blizzard on the East Coast

The Great Blizzard of 2010 in New York stopped 40 million people on December 26 and December 27 2010

The Christmas Sunrise portends the beginning of December 26-27 Blizzard in New York City in the year 2010
The snowstorm of 2010 approaching on Christmas Morning

[ Back to special page: Great Blizzards in the Big Apple ] We've lived through 5 of them

Video of the Great Blizzard of 2010

December 26 and 27 2010
Pictures by CoisaCoisa

Video of The Great Blizzard of 2010.  Also known as the Christmas Blizzard of 2010

New York city streets were block well in to the New Year of 2011

Click a picture to see a larger view.
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Elmhurst Streets in the snowstorm Blizzard Christmas out the Window in Elmhurst View of 20 inches of Snow in Queens in 2010 45th Avenue full of snow Snow was still coming down and blowing on 82nd Street Snow block streets for days and up to a month in New York city Our Subaru burried in the 20 inchies of snow 82nd Street in New York in the Blizzard 2014 View to the Long Island Railroad on 82nd Street Stuck Cars barricaded the streets from Plowing Clement Clarke Moore Homestead Park in Elmhurst Queens Broadway in Queens in the Snowstorm Blizzard of 2010 Cars askew on snowy streets block plowing and emergency vehicles Blizzard on Vietor in Queens Snow on the Sidewalks showing the depth of the snow 2010_12_26_elmhurst_blizzard_25.jpg 82nd Street to 47th Avenue is blocked Queens Elmhurst Towers in the snowstorm of 2010 82nd Street to 47th Avenue is blocked Blowing snow from the street in 2010 The 2010 Blizzard Covers Cars with Snow Snow on 45th Avenue in New York The heavy snow was shoveled by hard working building staff The snowstorm of 2010 approaching on Christmas Morning Street Panorama of the Blizzard from the 10th Floow  The snow was blocking 82nd street

It was Holiday for New Yorkers.  They were busy enjoying it with family and friends but Mother Nature had other plans

The National Weather Service did not pick up on the dangerous storm approaching

Prediction Changes

~ December 23 - 2 to 4 inches of snow were predicted
~ December 24 2010 - prediction updated to 4 to 6 inches
~ December 25 - expected snow accumulations was upped to 6 to 8, later in the day revised again to 8 -12.  The city administration was on Christmas Holliday vacation and not planning for this blizzard, like the rest of us

The Long Island News Day reported 32 inches in Rahway New Jersey.  Final official total for the 2 day accumulation of December 26 and 27 at La Guardia airport was 14 inches.  Central Park recorded over 20 inches

The unexpected and under predicted storm was a life taker.  Bus, cars, trucks, even mighty garbage trucks were stranded askew in the middle of city blocks.

Emergency vehicles could not pass and people died because of it

Alternate side parking was suspended until the end of January, 2011. City streets did not become fully passible until then

2010, Blizzard, New York, Holiday, Christmas, New Years, Elmhurst, Unexpected, city, locked, up, 1, month, dangerous, between, streets, blocked, bus, stop. 2-11
Photographs by Dennis using a Fujifilm FinePix S1500 digital camera