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This Write - My Occasional Writings, this right

It's a baring of the soul and I do not purport that any of this is good, but it is therapeutic. It is a frightful thing to expose ones self with a personal point of view, but it is a good way to think about things and while away some time.  Writing for this right. 

Thanksgiving 1998 with Mr. Roper
A Perry Mason trial for a while

published January 2000
....He was perfectly fit for a stereotype: he looked the hood.  Mr. Roper seemed detached from the proceedings and was jiggling his head.

September Dune

 published December 1999
....Bugs are buzzing here and there.  They are not interested in me, they are in the dance of life, collecting pollen for the children of next September.


 published December 1999
....Whispering in her ear, you look very special tonight; you are beautiful and then I was off to living the rest of life and wishing the words had been said 30 years ago.

November Beach

 published November 1999
....Birds are roosting on rails and sand and tops of lamp posts that seem to never turn off. If they could know about what was to happen to them they would probably beat it south.

March Irish Marching

 published November 1999
....Queens is steeped in fog but the mist is stopped by Manhattan as a mountain range stops the clouds.

Remembering growing up by the Dells Mill

 published November 2013
...Remembering of the Dells Mill, The Dells School and the Dells Mill Pond when I was a child

Miscellaneous and infrequent writings on Dennis' Occasional Pages. Coisacoisa, My occasional writings


writing, coisacoisa, thanksgiving, reunion, write, occasional, school, coisa, March, marching, Irish, September, beach, November, mountain, Manhattan, this, Right