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Laural and Hardy Coisacoisa is Coisa um and Coisa dois

Coisa Coisa
Decade Indices

1930s/ 1940s/ 1950s
 1960s/ 1970s/ 1980s
1990s/ 2000s/ 2010s
2020s /

Recent Years

2000 / 2001 / 2002
  2003 / 2004 / 2005
2006 / 2007 / 2008
  2009 / 2010 / 2011
  2012 / 2013 / 2014
2015 / 2016/ 2017
2018 / 2019 / 2020 /
 2021 / 2022 / 2023

- Nathan Weds
- Justin Weds
- Kaydi Weds
Brazil Trip 2009
World Trades
Feet and Toes
Video Index
Phoenix 2012
Sherri NY 2014
Brazil Trip 2015
Kelsey NY 2015

Photos and Videos - Index of New and updated Photo pages

Photos and Videos from 1920's to 2020 on Dennis' Occasional Pages Coisacoisa. Including the Depaulo Moreira family.  95 years of family and friends

New!  We've been in New York through 5 of the Great New York Blizzards

2019 Index and 2020 Index and New Pages



New - Emogene with Ruby Bennett in NY 1985    

Out of Isolation with masks and shield

Christmas December 26 2015

Self Isolation Dennis Knuth

Grams family in 1936


December 26 2015 after Helton Arrives

Self-isolating Dennis talking with Tom

Updated! Grams family in the 1930s

Updated! Early 80's Photos Helton in NY

Decembeer 24th Eve at the Farm

Christmas Family in 2019

Debbie's 49th Birthday at Chicken Chaser

Golden Apple Award for Debbie

2015 Christmas Eve at the Farm 

Christmas of All in 2019 of Sherri
and Gary's Family

Debbie's December Birthday at Chicken Chaser

Debbie Wins Golden Apple Video

Kakabeka Falls Ontario with Helton and Dennis

Nathan and Kelly rehearsal and after-party

Dennis on the farm at Christmas 2002

Panorama of Glowg making a point

Day trip to Canada August 27 2019

The Rehearsal and Rehearsal After-Party May 7 2004 update!

Christmas 2002 at Sherri's updated!

Ruth and Glow Visiting Wisconsin - October 2019

Friends that last a lifetime for Gloria

Sally with friends Helton, Sherri and Gary

Dennis shows friends the Grand Canyon

Olga Kakavales at her 97th Birthday

Independence weekend at Glows 2019

Sally visits on a July Day 2019

Arizona 1994 with Sergio and Tom on Labor Day Weekend, 1994

Olg's 97th Birthday 2016 Jan 21, 2016

Helton Depaulo and his mighty magical Oak

Dancing Cow Video

Ma and Pa Hillestad in their home

Justin and Nathan adventurers in the woods

Day of Summer 2019 Straw Bales and Ode to Oak

Dancing Cow Video

Not current but Gloria's Parents in 1980

Dennis annual Summertime visit July 1988

Sherri at the Altar on her wedding day

Gloria on her birthday with Janet and Gilbert, her parents

Dennis's Knuth 1980 Cutlass

Helton and Brazilian Friends at the Whitehouse

Sister Sherri Gets Married

Glows Birthday 1990

Dennis Oldsmobile Cutlass April 1980

Helton and friends in Washington DC March 1980 with Yeda and others

Remembering Ruth Sandy Pellmann

2017 Index and 2018 Index

Emogene and family in a common area at Dove Healthcare emogene Bees

gravestone thumbnail


 Emogene Staying at Dove Health Care 2017-02-12

Emogene Knuth's Obit.  Died March 17, 2017

Monarch Butterflies and Honey Bees video

Emogene Grams Knuth Headstone

front of the apartment

Straw Bale Garden

John Knuth and Dennis Knuth

December Birthday

New Apartment on Fairfax Street at 3435

Straw Bale Garden 2018

Dennis Returned From New York to get his car 1979

Dennis and Debbie's 2017 Birthdays in December

Milwaukee County Stadium in 1974

The Picasso in City Hall Plaze with Dennis

Proving it was headed to 30 Degrees below Zerocoisacoisa, Historical, frigid, below, frigid, zero, Wisconsin, Eau Claire

Miss Univers 2001 and Donald J Trummp

Milwaukee Brewers at County Stadium May 4, 1974

Dennis and Donna Take in Chicago 1972

Almost Froze to Death during the Frigid January 2019

Helton at the Miss Universe Contest 2001

2016 Index and all of the 2010's Decade

cocktails Buried Cars Blizzard of 2016 Birth gift Raphal Visits Wisconsin

New Years Day 2016 Party at Sharon's

The Great Blizzard of 2016.  This was the real one.  January 22 to January 24, 2016

2016-09-06 Helton's spends his 65th birthday in Wisconsin

2016-09-07 Raphael Visits Wisconsin

food Emogene Christmas Family 2016 Jared's first video

Helton's 65th Birthday 2016-09-13

Autumn visit to Augusta 2016-11-12

Christmas 2016 2016-12-24 in Wisconsin

Jared's 2016 Christmas Video

Thanksgiving 2016 family on the ferry    

Thanksgiving 2016 with Nate and Kelly 2016-11-26

Lake Superior July 4 Weekend 2000 Updated!


Updates and New Pages

Family at Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade Tess 1977 Birthday Randalls visit Dennis in Milwaukee Emhurst Blossoms

Thanksgiving with family in New York 1992 1992-11-26 and Family at Macy's Thanksgiving Parade

Tess Boehm's Birthday 1977-09-22 New addition

Spring Visit to Milwaukee.  Tom and Peggy Visit Dennis in Milwaukee 1976-03-18 New!

Miscellaneous Spring Time from Helton's Phone April 2014

Colin and Great Grandfather John Knuth Confirmationi Birthday 1978 Moving to New York

Colin meets John just before death May 2012

New! Dennis' Confirmation in 1962 at Grace Lutheran Church in Augusta

Thirty-first Birthday at Tess' Tap in Milwaukee. December 16, 1978

Leaving for New York 1979-03-16

King Dennis and Queen Linda


1965 Junior Prom at the Augusta Wisconsin High School Updated!


2015 Index and The Decade of 2010s

2015 Trip to Brasil with Helton, Sharon, Dennis, Debbie and Connor

Sweet Corn food vendor Brazian Engagement Party Touring Belo Horizonte Brazil in July 2015 Rio de Janeiro from Christ the Redeemer, Corcovado
Brazilian Street fair in Belo Horizonte Engagement Party Touring Belo Horizonte Brasil July 17 through July 25 2015 Rio de Janeiro from the Christ the Redeemer Mountain
      Party hostess gift of orchids
      Jose Maria and Maria Lucia invited us to party

Kelsey and Sherri of Durand Wisconsin Visit New York City

Looking down from the 86th floor Kelsey and Sherri at the Statue of Liberty Sherri shops for an Academy Award Oscar The Lyric Theatre
Sherri and Kelsey visit New York City with The New York Pass August 2015 Visiting The Statue of Liberty Monument Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum Sherri and Kelsey see a Broadway Musical
The Soarin Eagle ascends Dennis and Kelsey on the Empire State Kelsey and Dennis on the Circle Line Freedom Tower and the Empire State Building
Coney Island the rides at Luna Park The Top of the Empire State Around Manhattan on the Circle Line Best of New York cruise New York from the Top of the Rock
Toreados at Cafe Frita Visiting 94 year Olga   Dells Mill reflecting on the Dells Mill Pond near Augusta Wisconsin
Mexican Restaurant Cafe Frita and Central Park A day at Jacob Riis Park and an after beach visit with Olga   My home town, Dells Mill from the pond

2014 Index of Photos

 Memorial Day Weekend 2014 at Cassidy's
Frigid Wisconsin Farms 
Justin Colin and Dennis Enjoy a Yankees Baseball Game 2014-04-26
Remembering Nancy Guse we lost our dear friend 2014-08-11
Beautiful Wisconsin Winter at 20 degrees below zero
Olga Look Up! Bahari's Restaurant in Astoria 2014-07-07

2013 Photograph Index

New! Olga's 92nd Birthday 2013-01-21
New! 2013-07-12-Birthdays
Updated! 2013-12-00-christmas-holiday-season

Photo Index for 2012

Phoenix Days 1 and 2 Phoenix Day 3 Phoenix Trip Day 4 through 7
Phoenix Days 1 and 2 with Stella and Orestus Phoenix Days 3 with Stella and Orestus - The Botanical Garden and Scottsdale Phoenix Days 4 through 7 with Stella and Orestus

Phoenix Trip April 25 through May 1, 2012 - Photo Pages of the Large Photos

Arrive in Phoenix April 25 2nd trip Return to Flagstaff April 27 Sedona April 29
Apache Trail April 26 Updated Hotel April 28 Payson April 30. Desert
Sedona April 27 Botanical Garden April 28 Roosevelt Lake April 30
Oak Creek Canyon April 27 Scottsdale April 28 Globe and Miami Maay 1 2012
Flagstaff Arizona Return from the Grand Canyon April 27 Black Rock Canyon April 29 Papago Park at the end of Trip May 1
Grand Canyon April 27 Prescott Valley April 29  
Painted Desert April 27 Jerome April 29, 2012.  Photos by Stella  

2012-06-15 Dad passed away, the funeral week
2012-07-18 Peggy Sings in the Church Choir Video
Summer in Durand 2012 - Enjoying Emogene More

2011 Index

Index for 2010 photos 

Thanksgiving at Olgas in 2010 Vicentinas Birthday Cake Thanksgiving 2010 Photo Slide Show
Thanksgiving Individual Pictures 2010 with Ines and Tarcisio Vicentina's 80th Birthday Videos  

Thanksgiving Picture Slide Show

Olgas Cadillac Fleetwood Brohm   New York 2010 Blizzard  
Olga and Olga's Cadillac, May 2010 Lisette and Concinha in New York part 2 December 19

The 2010 Great East Coast Blizzard 2010-12-26

New York New York New York New York
Sherri and Sally in New York - Slide SHOW - video Sherri and Sally in New York - Index of photos Circle Line Cruise - about 40 minutes -video Astoria Park 6 min - Video
Rockefeller Center NYC      
Rockefeller Center - LT 2 min Brooklyn Bridge - 2 minutes Jacob Riis Park and Beach - 6 minutes World Trade Center Site and the New Freedom Tower 2 minutes
Central Park Walk - 5 Minutes Central Park Zoo - 1 Minute Central Park Delacorte Clock- 5 Minutes Central Park Jazz - 4 Minutes
 New York and Queens from Home - 2 Minutes

 2010-04 Helton with Toby, Olga, Raphael and Anakin Skywalker (aka Hayden Christensen)
2010-07-20 Jared's B-Day
2010-07-28 Colin Moore is Born - He was born on Great Grandma Emogene's Birthday too
2010-08-06 Colin Visits the Saxes and A 1964 Corvette is in the Picture Updated!
2010-02-26 The Elmhurst Towers Snow from the "Snow Hurricane" of 2010
Videos of Vicentina's 80 Birthday and Birthday Party - Brazil 2009 - July 18th
Jared Visiting Santa Claus on December 22, 2009
 Helton's Cars including the 1996 Taurus called "Zenilda" and the 1997 Subaru Impreza called "Emo"
The Snow Hurricane, Elmhurst, New York, 11373 Elmhurst Towers Apartment in the big snow of 2010

Miscellaneous other Subjects
Feet and Toes Theatre Video Slide Show
Feet and Toes Photos
Helton's Cars
View of the Trades - World Trade Centers Views from Queens and Elmhurst NY
Show of Video The World Trade Center 2001

Miscellaneous Family Photos
Scans from Elvera Grams Biesecker Albums
Scans from Emogene Grams Knuth Albums

Emogene's 2002 Very Special Birthday - Turned out to be a family reunion for the Grams Family
2002-07-28 Photos by Dennis
2002-07-28 Photos by Don B
2002-07-28 Photos by Silesia Patricia
2002-07-28 Photos by Vern
2002-07-28 Chronology of a Birthday

The Decade of the 2000's

The Full 2009 Index

Brazil Trip 2009 Index

07-10-Arrival in Brazil

07-10 Fish-Restaurant

Du Du Takes us to the mountain Top


Belo Horizonte Dance Festival with Norma

Mucio's Apartment

Day with Janine

Corcovado with Katia

Copacabana with Muscio


Gary's reflection in the mirror


Down the mountain from the Christ

Mucio's Sister's Apartment in Rio de Janeiro Brazil

Katia Takes Tourists to Sugar Loaf


Breakfast with Muscio

Ipanema with Sherri and Gary

Katia Shows Us Barra

Bus Trip from Belo Hoizonte to Oliveira



Maria Lena's House Tour

Visiting a farm in Brasil

Soccer Game in Belo Horizonte


Brazil 2009 Liberty Square With Janine

Party Night in Belo Horizonte

Vicentina's 80th Birthday Party

Vicentina's 80th Party Flowers


Birthday Messengers

Vicentina's 80th Birthday Party Night


Last Day in Brazil at Vicentina's


End of our Brazil Trip


2009-07-03 Fattmann Wedding Rehearsal Photos by Kaydi's Camera 2009-07-04 Ed and Kaydi's Wedding Day from Kaydi's Cam

 2009-07-04 Kaydi and Ed's Wedding Reception

2009-07-04 Ed and Kaydi's Church photos

2009-07-04 Parking Lot Reception  

2009-10-09 October Fest in Durand Wisconsin 2009

2009-10-31 Halloween

2009-11-26 Thanksgiving at the Saxes 2009-12-00 Pre Christmas School Programs for Kelsey and Jared 2009-12-24 Kaydi's Christmas Cats 2009-12-24 Kelsey and Jared trip to visit Santa
2009-12-25 Christmas at the Nathan and Kelly Moore's 2009-12-25 Christmas at Kelly Saxe's Family 2009-12-25 Christmas at Sherri and Gary Saxes  The Entire family is home 2009-04-19 Easter at Olga's
2009-06-24 Jared and Kelsey before the Wedding

2009-06-30 Jared and Gary get suited for the Wedding


2009-04 Bridal Shower for Kaydi

2009 Ed and Kaydi's Fattmann July 4th Weekend Wedding Index   2009 Brazil Videos (Index) - Vicentina's 80th Birthday 2009-07-23 Fire
2009-07-04 Bridal Court at Karen's Farm      
2009-07-19 and 25 Jared's 4th and Durand Days 2009-09-12 At the Ale House Photos by Ines 2009-09-12 At the Ale House with Photos by Rogiero 2009-09-13 At Olga's
2009-10-08 Jared Dennis and Sherri in the Pumpkin Patch 2009-11-26 Thanksgiving at Heloisa's and Olga's

Jared's Christmas Performance at Arkansaw

Christmas 2009 at Sherri and Gary's December 25, 2009

All of the 2008 photos - the index

2008 iPhone the Whole Year
2008 Jared Throughout the year
2008-01-06 Helton and Helenice on Their Way to Church
2008-04 Helton with Luke Skywalker
2008-05-18 Sherri on Mothers Day
2008-06-06 Kelly Saxes 30th Birthday Party
2008-07-00 July Events at Sherri and Gary's
2008-08-30 Sherri and Gary in Chicago and at a Football Game and the Green Bay Packers
2008-09-20 Sherri and Gary in St. Louis at the Fattmann's
2008-11-29 Beth Birthday Party
2008 12-25 Saxes Christmas
2008-12-28 Helton in the Wisconsin Winter
2008-12-28 Helton on the frozen Dells Mill Pond In Augusta Wisconsin - Updated

Photograph Index for 2007

2007-01-19 Olga's Birthday and Helenice's 50th
2007-02-27 Farm and Visitors
2007-03-19 Grandma Emogene and Kitty
2007-04-30 Sherri and Jared
2007-05-31 Mothers Day and Family
2007-06-02 Raphael's Graduation at Olga's
2007-06-09 Durand Days with Jared and Kelsey
2007-06-17 Farm, Family and Farm Scenes and Sunsets
2007-06-30 Jared's Early Birthday to Share with Helton and Dennis
2007-07-01 Augusta Bean and Bacon Days with Helton, Julia and Justin, Updated
2007-07-00 Julia and Justin's Mexico Cruise with Julia's Family
2007-08-27 Sherri and Gary to St. Louis to Visit the Kaydi and Ed
2007-09-11 Sherri's House and Flowers in Durand Wisconsin
2007-09-15 Sherri and Gary in Chicago
2007-09-21 Sherri and Gary visit Kelli
2007-10-00 Augusta and the Dells Mill in Autumn
2007-09-00 Sherri's Photos in Sept, Oct, November - Halloween, Deer by Nathan
2007-11-05 New York Visitors at Helton's and New York Sunsets
2007-09-11 Sherri's House
2007 Saxes Christmas for all of December. Updated!

Sherri and Gary's 2006 Mexico Trip

2006-03-23 through 03-26
2006-03-28 Part 1
2006-03-28 Part 2 Including 03-29 and 03-30

All the Rest of 2006

2006-07-00 Jared 2006 Birthday
2006-09-00 Trip to Prague with Helton and Muscio in the Czech Republic
2006-09-24 Muscio and Helton in Germany
2006-09-04 Muscio visits Sherri and Gary in Durand Wisconsin
2006-09-00 Sherri's Photos Sept, October, November 2006
2006-12-00 Christmas at Sherri and Gary's 2006

Index of photos for 2005The Year in photographs

2005-02-27 Pocono Mountains Weekend
2005-01-22 Helenice's 1st Birthday Celebrated in the USA
2005-08-00 Justin and Julia's Index: Bachelorette Party, Rehearsal, Wedding and Wedding Reception
2005-07-10 Julia's Bachelorette Party
2005-08-05 Justin and Julia's Wedding Rehearsal
2005-08-05  Rehearsal Party at Julia's Parents
2005-08-06 Justin's Wedding Flowers and favors
2005-08-06 Wedding Church Photos
2005-08-06 Family at the Reception
2005-08-06 Justin and Julia's Wedding Court at the Formal Reception
2005-08-07 Miscellaneous pictures after Justin and Julia's Wedding Just Married Miscellaneous Photos
2005-08-06 Norma from Brazil in Wisconsin for the Wedding
2005 Map of Norma's Trip to Wisconsin
2005-09-30 Jared Under 6 Months
2005-10-31 Jared and Kelsey 1st Halloween
2005-10-31 Halloween in NY
2005-12-09 Mira's Birthday and Christmas Party
2005-12-25 Sherri and Gary and Jared's 1st Christmas

2004 Year Index

2004-01-01 Patty Madden Smith
2004-03-26 Norma Wheeler Birthday Party by the Grams Family
2004-05-07 Nathan Wedding Rehearsal
2004-05-08 Kelly Getting Ready for the Wedding
2004-05-08 Nathan and Kelly Moore Wedding
2004-05-08 Nathan and Kelly Moore Wedding Photos by Don B
2004-05-16 Justin's Military Graduation. Updated!
2004-05-22 John Street with Heloisa
2004-06-16 Olga and Heloisa and Toby in Jackson Heights
2004-07-08 Doris Grams Madden Visits Wisconsin
2004-07-15 Orville Grams Visits Eau Claire
2004-09-13 Helton Birthday in Brazil
2004-10-11 Erv and Gloria at the Dells Mill
2004-11-25 Thanksgiving in New York
Updated! 2004-12-18 Helenice arrives in America with Thacila and Thaissa at John Street Pub
2004-12-24 Christmas At Heloisa
2004-12-25 Christmas At Sherri and Gary's
2004-12-26 Sherri and Dennis In Augusta At the Dells Pond and Green Eyes Bridge

CoisaCoisa 2003 Photos Index

2003-02-17 New York Presidents Day Blizzard
2003-04-12 Rosangela and Ivan Wedding
2003-04-14 John Street With Silesia Updated and revised!
2003-04-20 Easter With Helton and Dennis
2003-04-20 Silesia's Easter in the Park
2003-05-03 Janine's 73rd Street Apartment Street
2003-05-15 Connie and Friends Stop By
2003-05-24 Farewell to Janine Party at the Apartment
2003-06-01 Goodbye Brunch With Janine, Helton, Dennis in the Central Park Restaurant
2003-07-01 BBQ with Silesia
2003-07-04 Wisconsin July 4th Weekend with Family and the Gollers
2003-07-12 Orville Grams with family at Jeanette's
2003-08-10 At the Farm with Justin and Julia
2003-08-11 In Augusta with Tom Peggy Nancy and Janet
2003-09-28 Justin and Julia Moore in New York. 

2002 Index of Photos

2002-01-27 Card Playing in the Apartment
2002-04-05 Sherri and Gary in New York
2002-06-30 Why Brazil Won the 2002 World Cup
2002-07-04 Janine and Silesia Patricia Travel Wisconsin
2002-07-05 Justin and Matt In New York
2002-09-06 Downtown Buffalo Wings on Johns Street
2002-09-14 Helton and Don Biesecker Birthday Party in Wisconsin
Updated! 2002-11-02 Silesia and Guillermo at the Apartment
2002-11-11 Silesia in Central Park
2002-11-28 Helton and Dennis At Sherri and Gary's for Thanksgiving
2002-12-03 Sherri's Cat - Kitty Kitty watching TV
2002-12-10 Dennis' early Christmas at Sherri's

2001 full  index

2001-01-13 Phoenix Rodeo on Marti Luther King's Holiday with Dennis and Helton 2001-01-13 Phoenix Rodeo on Marti Luther King's Holiday with Dennis and Helton
2001-04-14 Vicentina in New York for Robert and Priscilla's Wedding 2001-05-12 Mothers Day in Wi Emogene
2001-05-12 Peggy Randall's 50th Birthday 2001-05-24 Saxes in New York
2001-06-09 Buddhist Funeral in Elmhurst New York 2001-06-10 Marco's Mom in New York
2001-07-04 Wisconsin 4th of July Weekend 2001-07-04 Bean and Bacon Days in Augusta Wisconsin
2001-07-07 Justin in New York with Matt. Revised 2001-07-28 Mom's Birthday. Updated!

2001-09-04 Labor day Weekend in Durand Wisconsin with a Visit to Alma

2001-10-06 Helton's Get Together and 50th updated!

2001-10-15 Queens Beach Deserted but warm enough for swimming 2001-10-19 Pablo and Vivianne at the Apartment
2001-11-11 Trip to Nevada and Arizona with Muscio Updated!

2001-11-24 Thanksgiving in Elmhurst New York

2001 12 -16 Dennis Bday in Arizona  

New Videos! Sherri and Gary's 1990 Wedding
Wedding Rehearsal Video 1990 Wedding Ceremony and Vows Wedding Receiving Line at Grace Church Wedding Reception Video in Osseo Wisconsin

Wedding Day
Vicentina's house with her family and staff
Day trip to the historic city of Ouro Preto and touring the Belo Horizonte Mountains and caves Miscellaneous Photos with the Family

CoisaCoisa, Coisa, dois, um, Helton, Dennis, Grams, DePaulo, Wisconsin's, Christmas, Nathan, Kelly, Moore, Saxes, Davis, Adam, rose, Helenice Heloisa, Raphael, 2010, 2009, 2019, wedding, Fattmann, Ed, Kaydi, Kelli, Sherri, Donadean.

Most photograph and digitized photo scans by Dennis and Helton.  Some family photographs digitized by Emogene and Elvera