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Sally and Cody, the Dog, stop by the farm after an afternoon with Sherri
We barbequed steaks and had a nice visit. Sally is a long time friend
July 30, 2019
2019-07-30 (3 images) Click on an image to browse it full size
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Cody is Sally's everywhere dog
Sherri and Sally had spent the afternoon visiting the Mississippi river and ernvirons about Pepin Wisconsin. Cody went with them.
Sally stopped by after the day with Sherri and enjoyed steaks on the grill made by Helton and Dennis. Cody had a good time running around the farm and making friends with Gary, Helton and Dennis
It was good to see Sally again, she had spent a week with Sherri in New York visiting Dennis and Helton in 2010
July, Cody, dog, Sally, visit, Sherri, day, Dennis,
everywhere, Helton,farm, Gary
Photographs taken with Helton's Apple iPhone 7's