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We headed out to the Apache Trail on our first day touring Arizona
April 26, 2012. On the Apache Trail
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A long first day: Rain, a flat tire, exchanging the car and back out onto the Apache Trail
We started out the day in scattered showers about 7 am. Apache Junction and Tortilla Flats was our destination
The (slightly) rainy day out on the desert was a unique experience. It doesn't rain on the desert very often. The showers came down heavily for two or three minutes but accumulated not enough to have any run off.
The tiny amounts of rain did seem to enhance the blooming Saguaro Cacti (and others).
We got to the Flats but before arriving we ran over an obstacle (someone lost a muffler) in a parking lot by Roosevelt Lake. The parking lot was completely empty but somehow, because we were paying attention to the scenery, we managed to run over the piece of junk.
The junk punctured a tire, we headed out of Tortilla Flats but had to turn back. We changed the flat and took the car back to the rental agency to exchange for a better car. After that event we headed back to Apache Junction to the abandoned gold mining town, now a Ghost Town and a tourist attraction
hotographs in this group are by a Samsung S85 digital camera. Dennis is the main photographer