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Visiting Brazil in 1993 with Chester Cavil and his wife Ruby. Visiting Vicentina during the holiday season
Our trip was February 9th through March 2nd 1993. 21 days
Our Trip with Chester Cavil and Ruby The back story
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1993-02-00-00-brazil-w-chester-ruby (64 images) Click a picture to see a larger view.
Friends and Getting to Belo Horizonte with Chester and Ruby
Leaving from JFK airport and staying in Belo Horizonte at Vicentina's beautiful home. Visiting Pampulha area and famous church.
Chester and Ruby were the hit in Oliveira's Carnival 1993. Its a national holiday. February 19th through February 25th 1993
We spent five days in Helton's home town, staying at the one hotel in Oliveira. Heloisa dances in a School of Samba. Brazil stops to celebrate Carnival. Dennis could take no more than 3 days of the celebration. He stayed in the Hotel for two of the 5 to avoid the excessive drinking. Chester got into trouble with Ruby for too much partying with the locals until dawn each day.
Guarapari with Helenice's family and Chester Cavil, Ruby Cavil and Dennis
Brazilian inflation was 2000% in 1993 and the dollar was very very strong. Dennis paid to take Helenice's family to Guarapari from Belo Horizonte by plane. Chester and Ruby loved the town with its fun and fresh Oysters on the beach. We were in Guarapari for four days
Ouro Preito with Chester Cavil and friends

We took a day trip of two carloads to Ouro Preto, the historical World Heritage site in the center of Brazil's gem and precious stone producing region.
Ruby Cavil with Chester and Dennis in Rio de Janeiro Brazil
Ruby Chester Helton and Dennis took an overnight luxury bus from Belo Horizonte to Rio de Janeiro. We took a tourist bus tour throughout the city in Rio
Ruby and Chester are special guests at Vicentina's for a BBQ
Vicentina throws a BBQ in Honor of her American Guests, Ruby Cavil and Chester Cavil and Dennis Knuth
The party was two days before we returned to the USA
Chester, Cavil, Ruby, trip, Brazil, carnival, trip, 21, days, vacation,
holiday, Helton, Dennis, Vicentina, Rio, Oliveira, Guarapari, beach,
Helenice, family, friends, photos, vacation, photographs, 1993
Brazil Carnival 1993 trip photographs are scanned from a photo album