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Visiting Brazil in 1993 with Chester Cavil and his wife Ruby. Visiting Vicentina during the holiday season

Our trip was February 9th through March 2nd 1993. 21 days

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1993-02-00-00-brazil-w-chester-ruby (64 images) Click a picture to see a larger view.

Friends and Getting to Belo Horizonte with Chester and Ruby

Chester Cavil at the JFK check in counter Hosipitality Suite at JFk airport Walking up to Vicentina's porch Relaxing in Vicentina's upper floor family room Helenice, Dudu, Chester, Ruby and Guigui in the family room The Pampulha Church mural Chester and Ruby in the church interior Chester among the flowers at Pampulha lake

Leaving from JFK airport and staying in Belo Horizonte at Vicentina's beautiful home.  Visiting Pampulha area and famous church.

Chester and Ruby were the hit in Oliveira's Carnival 1993.  Its a national holiday.  February 19th through February 25th 1993

Chester and Ruby at Carnival in Oliveira Brazil Chester with Rudy dress for the holiday Ricardo and Helenice at Carnival Heloisa dancing at carnival The Carnival Parade in Oliveira Guigui, Raphael and Vivianne watch the Samba Schools parade Chester and Ruby at a sidewalk bar A sidewalk bar table in Brazil Chester and Ruby at a sidewalk bar Traditional clowns with Raphael and Ricardo Samba School in Oliveira Brazil, Carnival 1993 Veado at the Brazilian Carnival parade

We spent five days in Helton's home town, staying at the one hotel in Oliveira.  Heloisa dances in a School of Samba.  Brazil stops to celebrate Carnival.  Dennis could take no more than 3 days of the celebration.  He stayed in the Hotel for two of the 5 to avoid the excessive drinking.  Chester got into trouble with Ruby for too much partying with the locals until dawn each day.

Guarapari with Helenice's family and Chester Cavil, Ruby Cavil and Dennis

Guigui at the Guarapari beach Dennis on the Guarapari merry go round Helenice rides the merry-go-round The merry-go-round with Ruby Cavil Ruby and Vivianne on the carousel Vivianne with her mother Helenice Beautiful Helenice at a Guarapari hotel The beach from our hotel window View from our Guarapari hotel Riding a roller coaster Centipede Ruby and Dennis on a Centipede Roller Coaster Ruby and Dennis at the amusement park

Brazilian inflation was 2000% in 1993 and the dollar was very very strong.  Dennis paid to take Helenice's family to Guarapari from Belo Horizonte by plane.  Chester and Ruby loved the town with its fun and fresh Oysters on the beach.  We were in Guarapari for four days

Ouro Preito with Chester Cavil and friends

A church altar in Ouro Preto Helenice and her aunt herd the kids A toothless devilish Vivianne and Guigui in Ouro Predo Dennis Ruby and Chester Cavil in Ouro Preto 1993 Gem dealers surround the American Tourists Mountins ring Ouro Preto Shopping for a restaurant in Ouro Preto 

We took a day trip of two carloads to Ouro Preto, the historical World Heritage site in the center of Brazil's gem and precious stone producing region.

Ruby Cavil with Chester and Dennis in Rio de Janeiro Brazil

Chester and Ruby overlook Rio de Janeiro Dennis on Corcovado overlooking the city Dennis at the cafe at Christ the redeemer Dennis at the top Helton with Ruby and Chester on the Rio de janeiro city tour bus The Samba Drome in Rio de Janeiro 1993 Dennis at Copacabana beach The tropical streets of Rio Dennis on top of Sugar Loaf Mountain Ruby made it half way on Sugar Loaf Lunch stop on the Rio de Janeiro tour bus

Ruby Chester Helton and Dennis took an overnight luxury bus from Belo Horizonte to Rio de Janeiro.  We took a tourist bus tour throughout the city in Rio

Ruby and Chester are special guests at Vicentina's for a BBQ

Chester Cavil, Norma Renato and a friend Heloisa with Gabriella and Maria Lena waving to the camera Heloisa and Gabriella at Vicentina's The barbecue table Helder with Vicentina's Maids Helder's family in 1993 Alfa, Helvio, Thacila Thaissa Helder's son Renato and his friend Maria Lena, Norma Rezente, and Otaviano A beautiful salad made by Vicentina Helenice and Vicentina serving Vicentina entering her backyard A BBQ with a grill chef at Vicentinas Vicentina offering us a Coke

Vicentina throws a BBQ in Honor of her American Guests, Ruby Cavil and Chester Cavil and Dennis Knuth

The party was two days before we returned to the USA

Chester, Cavil, Ruby, trip, Brazil, carnival, trip, 21, days, vacation, holiday, Helton, Dennis, Vicentina, Rio, Oliveira, Guarapari, beach, Helenice, family, friends, photos, vacation, photographs, 1993

Brazil Carnival 1993 trip photographs are scanned from a photo album