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Muscio visits Wisconsin in September 2006 at Sherri and Gary's in Durand Wisconsin
He visited farms, the Mississippi River at the Minnesota and Wisconsin Border, and the Casino in Black River Falls
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2000s Decade ]
Photos from Durand Wisconsin Farms, Mississippi River and Wisconsin
Muscio was always generous with flowers for hosts he stayed with. Muscio overlooks the Mississippi River in Alma at the Buena Vista Park and Overlook. Also overlooking the Chippewa Valley just south of Osseo Wisconsin
Muscio visits Rod and Roxie's Dairy farm too. Gary shows off the earth mover, Komatsu.
Muscio was a dear and beloved friend. Loveably cantankerous to be with
The world lost Mucio on December 26, 2015. He was 84.
Jose Mucio Da Silva Lages was born March 1, 1930.
Maria Jose Da Silva Lages,
Father: Domingo Teixeira Lages.
Muscio had called Gary and Sherri to wish them Merry Christmas on December 25, 2015 at about 11 am local time. Two hours later Mucio walked across the street in Belo Horizonte Brazil. A hit and run driver glazed him, hitting Muscio and knock him down. One day later, Mucio died of a heart attack in the hospital
These pages are dedicated to our dear friend.
Chippewa, valley, Muscio, Mucio, Music, Osseo, Visit, Wisconsin, Dairy, Helton, 2006, earth, farm, casio, Sherri, Gary, Komatsu
Photos made with Dennis's Canon PowerShot A80