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Helton's 2001 Birthday party in New York City with a circle of friends. Held in Queens

Helton is 50.  His birthday was two days after 9/11. The party was delayed out of respect and sorrow for the lost

October 10, 2001

Helton's Party at the Apartment 2001 held in Elmhurst New York

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Click a picture to see a larger view. 10-06-HeltonParty (13 images)

The Dinner Table with food by Helton Zelia serving herself Rachael, Helton, Zelia and Rene Helton and Zelia Helton and Lulu Marcos, Rachael and Helton Smiling LuLu Helton with Rene and Zelia Lulu and Helton Best friend Marcos with Helton and Rachael Helton and Zelia at Rene's back Helton carries Zelia Mucio Lages

Muscio from Belo Horizonte Brazil was our stay over guest

The original planned party was delayed because of the World Trade Center tragedy.  The big 50th party was a modest affair

Guests were Zelia, Rene, Rachael, Marcos, Muscio, Dennis including Muscio and Lulu from Brazil

Muscio, Brazil, Lages, Helton, party, 2001, New York, friends, Jose, birthday, 2001, October, da Silva, September

Photographed by Dennis with a HP PhotoSmart 215 digital camera