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Rose, Sidney, Helton and Janine playing cards in the Elmhurst Apartment in January 2002.  Brazilian Friends

 Card Playing At The Apartment

January 27, 2002

2002_01_27_Cardplaying (4 images) January 27 2002 Click a picture to see a larger view.

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Foursome play cards in 2002

Wow look at that hand of Canasta

Helton Rose and Sidney with Janine

Wow.  Janine has the Canasta cards of the century.  Helton shows his had

January 27 2002 - Card Playing Get Together at the Apartment

January 27 2002 - Card Playing Get Together at the Apartment - Helton

Janine sees some cards played by Rose that she doesn't like

Helton smiles as he plays a good hand

  Janine would soon move to Brazil so there was not as much card playing in Elmhurst, New York.  We missed Janine

card, Janine, loved, playing, New York, Dennis, Brazil, move, Elmhurst, Helton, Sydney, Rose,

Dennis took these pictures with his Ricoh Camera