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The Augusta Wisconsin High School Prom in 1965 with Dennis as Prom King and Linda as Prom Queen

Dennis, Linda, Dennis and Susan

Dennis was Prom King and Linda Prom Queen

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Dennis Knuth, Linda Witte, Susan Bethke and Dennis Bauch Queen Linda and King Dennis Dennis Destined to be crowned King

Dennis and Linda promenade Entering the prom court Crowned King and Queen

King and Queen Dennis Knuth and Linda Witte Dance Linda Knuth and Dennis Witte

King Dennis and Queen Linda

The 1965 Augusta Wisconsin Junior Prom

There is a back story:

Augusta Wisconsin was still a predominantly rural farming community in the 1960's.  Teenagers, especially the farm kids, were expected to work, get up early, and contribute to the family farming

Dennis and Linda double dated to the prom with Dennis B and Susan B

Susan was working for a farm family miles away down a unpaved road - a very very muddy road because of heavy spring rains.  She decide it best to get dressed at Dennis family's farm because getting stuck and dirty where she worked was a possibility.  And stuck she got when the Knuth family picked her up.  The car had to be pulled out by a tractor.

The student class prom planners did not want the court to arrive before the royal crowning.  Consequently, Linda, Dennis and date doubles did not leave for the prom until later then most, we arrived at about 9:30 while our friends had been there for hours.  The photographs, crowning and promenade took about an hour, ending about 10:30.

In 1965, the prom was divined to be over at 11 pm by Augusta High School administrators. Dennis and his date and friends had about enough time to dance one or 2 dances after the ceremonies. (The lights were turned up at 10:50)

The party headed for Eau Claire Wisconsin, about 25 miles away and the "White House"  restaurant.  The White House was the finest dining in area at the time.

Our untested social graces made us anxious too (Which fork to use?) We finished our supper at about 1:30 and headed for home

All in the double dating party of 4 were beginning daters. We did not have social time at the prom to reach a comfort level, we did not have time to relax from the pressures of rushing, getting dressed, pinning corsages,  taking pictures, getting there, promenading, getting crowned. etc.  We were all nervous adolescence for the whole event. 

I remember it was Dennis B's first date and he was especially anxious, too, to get his first embrace.  The rush, pressure, adolescence and possibly the food got the best of him.  His nervous stomach overcame; on the way home from dining we had to stop for Dennis to regurgitate out the car door.

I dropped all the members of the dating party at home and finally got into my farm house bed at about 3:30

The next thing I know is my dad was pulling me out of the bed, by my toes, because it was time to Milk the Cows.  It was 5:45 am

We got through this rite of passage.  I don't think we could call it a great time though - too much pressure, so little adolescent confidence.  We got through it as friends.

Prom, Auguta, Wisconsin, 1965, friends, dates, milk, cows