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Miscellaneous Photos from the 1950's and other decades. The Grams Family in Augusta Wisconsin Photos of family members

Elvera Scans and Photos over the Years.

Miscellaneous Photos of Family from a photo album

Mother Reta Zank Grams Kunert and the rest of her family

Scans from Elvera over the years (64 images). Click a picture to see a larger view.

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 Grams Family at the Knuth Farm in 1956 Grams Family reunion in 1956  Around the dinner table at the family reunion  Rita Yannone   Norma Elvera and Jeanette in the Grams Family
Grams Family at the Knuth Farm in 1956  The Grams Family at the dinner table Elvera, Ernie Kunert, Don Grams and Others in 1956   Grams Girls, Norma Elvera and Jeanette 
1962 Grams Family Reunion Picnic   Bill and Patty Madden, Rita and Jackie Yannone  Delores Grams Yannone and infant Jackie  Delores Grams Yannone with Jackie in 1962  Patty Madden
1962 Grams family picnic reunion in Augusta Wi  The Yannone kids and Madden Kids in Eau Claire  Delores Madden with infant daughter Jackie  Delores and baby Jackie  Patty Madden high school photo 
Rita Yannone of the Grams Family   Grams Family reunion  Ann Bieseckers kids  Ann Biesecker and friend  Ann Biesecker and friend
Jackie Yannone Family Reunion in Augusta  Ann Biesecker's Children  Ann Biesecker and Friend   
Talia plays the violin   Talia Yannone in 2000  Fried Ayres and Jeanette on the Knuth Farm  Brian and Alan Grams Russel Biesecker and Kathy Grams Dennis at 7
Talia plays the violin in Montana Talia showing her cat in the kitchen Fred Ayres visits the Knuth Farm in Augusta Wisconsin  Kids in the Basement of Donadean and Ole Zutter  
Dennis at age 8   Dennis at 6 in a Woolworth Photo booth Dennis at age 12   1969 Dennis DuWayne  Dennis and Sherri Christmas Card
A photo taken at the Dells Mill School      Dennis DuWayne in 1969 in his official Woolworth Portrait  1957 Christmas Card with Dennis and Sherri 
Donald Grams of Augusta Wisconsin   Baby Ken Grams  Don and Rose Grams on a car  Donadean Grams Zutter in 1955 Donadean Grams catches a bird

Donald Grams

Baby Ken Grams and proud new father Don Grams and Rose Zank Grams. On the Knuth farm in Augusta Wisconsin

Donadean Grams Zutter

Donadean Bags in pheasant
Donadean Grams Zutter Bags a pheasant   Donadean Grams with a rifle  Wedding of Doris Grams and Bill Madden senior  Norma Grams and Elvera Grams  Sherri Donadean with Emogene and John

Bill Madden and Doris Grams get married

Norma and Elvera in the 1950s

Sherri Emogene and John
Emogene Reta Grams Knuth in 1990   Emogene with her trombone  Rita Zank Grams Kunert and Ernie Kunert Home in Augusta Wisconsin  Gordon Grams  Grams Family Hunting
  1942 Emogene and her trombone updated! Ernie Kunert build this home    
Brian Grams of El Centro California   Grams Family and cousins  Kathy Grams in 1955 of El Centro California  Grams Family at Retas House The Grams Family after a hunt 
Brian Grams Family Reunion sometime in the 1960s Kathy Grams in 1956 of El Centro California  Gordon Grams and William Madden, sr.  Hunting near Augusta Wisconsin 
Lou Yannone and Delores Grams Yanonne   Bill Madden junior as a Boy Scout Bill Madden senior from New York  Mary Alan Russel and Elvera  The Grams Girls Norma Jeanette and Elvera
Louis Yannone and Delores Grams Yanonne  Bill Madden, junior as a Boy Scout  Bill Madden, senior, from New York     The Grams Girls Norma Jeanette and Elvera 
Norma Grams and Bob Wheeler Wedding   Norma Grams Graduates  Orville Grams and his wife Mary  Orvile Grams Catches a Bass  Patty Grams Smith and Family
Norma Grams and Bob Wheeler are married  Graduation of Norma Grams  Orville Grams and his wife Mary  Orville Grams catches a Bass   
Reta Zank Grams, Anna Grams and Minnie Grams  Reta Grams and Elvera   Grandma Reta at the Ayres  Reta of the Grams Family  Reta Kunert and Ernie Kunert in Augusta Wisconsin
The Zank girls from Augusta Wisconsin, Reta, Anna and Minnie Rita Grams Kunert gets married and Elvera in 1954  Grandmother Rita loves to Garden  Reta Zank Grams Kunert on her lawn near Augusta, updated Ernie and Grandma Rita Gram Kunert at Christmas time in the 1960s
Grandmother Reta with the Ayres boys and Nathan   Great Grandma Reta  Reta Kunert at Sherri and Hal Moore's Wedding  Danny Wheeler in the 1960s  
Grandma Reta Grams surrounded by the Ayres grandchildren  Great Grandma Reta, Doris, Patty and Great Grand Child  The marriage of Sherri and Hal Moore Danny Wheeler  

Parents, aunts, uncles and cousins in the Grams family.  The matriarch of the family was Reta Zank Grams Kunert 

Miscellaneous Photos from the 1950's, the 1960's, the 1970's, 1980's 1990's and 2000's and other decades. The Grams Family in Augusta Wisconsin Photos of family members

Grams Family - see all the family pages - originating in Augusta Wisconsin


Sons, marriage, Grams, family, Moore, 1950s, Wisconsin, 1960's, photos, 1970's, school, Elvera, Dennis, lawn, garden, Sherri, Eau Claire, Reta, daughters, Donadean