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Doris Grams Madden and her visit With the Grams Family in the Grams hometown area of Eau Claire Wisconsin
July Holiday seeing other relatives around the area. Grams family reunion with Wisconsin relatives
July 3 and 4th, 2004
Doris Grams Madden and her Visit With the Grams Family Jeanette Emogene Dennis and Justin. The family grew up in the Augusta Wisconsin and Eau Claire Area. There were a total of 10 siblings in the family. Jeanette made fun of the halter strap blouse that Doris was wearing saying her boobs were too big and the wearer too old for such display. It was sisterly scorn
07-08-Doris-Visits-Wi (13 images)
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Doris is one of the Twins, with sister Delores Grams Yannone, of the Grams family
Erv and Gloria came up from Milwaukee to enjoy the holiday and Sherri and Gary's farm. This would be the last time that the family would see Doris Grams Madden, on of the Grams family's twin sisters (the other twin was Delores Grams Yannone).
Delores would die at about 84 years old while living in California
Wisconsin, Doris, visit, Grams, family, hometown, Eau Claire, Madden, July, Dennis, Justin, summertime, Ayres, Jeanette, area,
last, time
Photos made with a Ricoh RDC-5300 digital camera