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Christmas at Sherri's 2006. A new Grandson, Jared. Raphael Visits the Durand Wisconsin Farm

December 20 through December 30, 2006

12-31-Sherri-Xmas-and-Dec (34 images) Sherri and Gary Christmas 2006

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Grandpa gives Jared a ride Jared waits to see Santa Claus on Jared's first visit Jared sits on Santa's laptop Santa's lap gets a visit from Jared Justin and Julia Sherri and Gary with their 2006 Christmas Tree Thumb sucking Jared Kaydi and her boyfriend in 2006 Jared and Sherri on the Sofa Gary opens his Christmas Presents Kelsey gets some gifts Kelsey and her new teddy while Dennis Smiles Kelsey opens a gift Jared thinking about Christmas Jared and his presents Show off your present to everyone Kelsey More gifts for Kelsey Kitty Kitty gets wrapped up Kelly under the Christmas Tree with all her gifts Kitty Kitty guards the Xmas gifts under the tree Kelsey examines her Christmas Gifts Kelsey gets more Christmas presents Kelly gets ready to take a photo Gloria gets a Holiday season visit with Dennis and Sherri Raphael sorts some wiring at Gloria's Raphael and Sherri at Gloria's for a Christmas visit Sherri Kelsey and Jared Nathan poses on the stair bannister Dennis Helps Jared Walk down the stairs Dennis holding Jared The Moore Family Christmas 2006 Helton hold his nephew Jared Raphael in Gary's John Deere Tractor Santa Clause Gary

Jared is celebrating his second Christmas

A new Grandson, Jared was 18 months old and he began to understand the Christmas season.

Raphael Visits the Durand Wisconsin Farm but gets the flu.  Helton Dennis and Raphael Visit from New York.

We took a trip to Madison (Fitchburg) Wisconsin to visit Gloria 

Photographs of a family's Christmas.

Santa, Gary, Grandson, Grandfather, Grandmother, Helton, Christmas, Sherri, Kelsey, Dennis, Kelli, Kaydi, Farm, Durand, Wisconsin, 2006, Xmas, gifts, presents, Holiday, Visit, Raphael