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Presidents Day Blizzard in Elmhurst New York February 17, 2003

New York City was shut down for 3 days

Click on an image to see it full size. 02-17-Blizzard-Presidents_Day (5 images)
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[ Back to special page: Great Blizzards in the Big Apple ] We've lived through 5 of them

blizzard burried cars Let it snow in New York City Blizzard in New York Presidents Day Feb 17 2003

Central Park - Presidents Day Blizzard - February 17 2003 Helton Knuth - Heloisa - Raphael in the Presidents Day Blizzard February 17 2003

A Day to take off Work and few the city wonderland

Frigid weather and 14 inches of snow on February 17 2003 shut New York City Down for 3 days. Photography was wonderful around the city and in central park

Typically New York city gets its most snow from mid-January to mid-February

Photographed with a Ricoh RDC-5300 digital camera and a NIKON E5000 digital camera