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Dressed up: Dennis in his bow tie on his confirmation day
Emogene takes a photograph
June 3, 1962
1962-06-03-dennis-confirmation -- 1962_06_00_dennis_confirmation_02.jpg
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for Dennis Confirmation
Dennis is 14
Photographed on the farm he grew up on
John and Emogene Knuth inherited the dairy farm in the Town of Bridgecreek near Augusta Wisconsin from William Knuth. Dennis Duwayne and sister, Sherri Donadean, were there children. This is 1962 and the family care was a 1954 Chevy
Emogene's shadow, using the Kodak Box Camera, can be seen in the photo as she hold it. As I write this, I note the still active outhouse in the upper left corner of the car top. The tiny building between the two sheds in the background
1962, confirmation, Augusta, church, Dennis, grace, Lutheran, Wisconsin, Sperber, family
Photos by Emogene with a Kodak Box camera, digitized from unidentified family albums