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Augusta Wisconsin High School 1966 Graduation
Graduating Class: Dennis Tom and the Daniels Twins
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1966-05-00-dennis-graduation (5 images)
1966 Augusta Wisconsin Graduating Class
The class was one of the early group of baby boomers. The 1966 class was the 2rd year boomers to graduate high school - that is, this class was born in 1947 / 1948. Two years after the end of World War 2
The Augusta Wisconsin High School Graduating Class of 1966
Marvel Arries Dennis Bauch Lewis Berlin Patricia Bethke Steven Bethke Susan Bethke Thomas Clark Charles Cosgrove Karen Daniels Sharen Daniels Alice Ann Dekan Kent Digby Dale Erdman Josephine Francel Katherine Frisbie Alice Henning Neal Henning |
Sandra Honadel Dean Horel Dorothy Hudson Michael Jungerberg Annette Kaiser Dennis Knuth Sally Krueger Patricia Lange Donald Moen Roxie Morrison Richard Osborn Jeff Peplau Jane Pettis Thomas Randall Charles Reineke Michael Ruppelt Maryann Seilding |
Lynda Shefchik Glenn Shong Susan Shutter Phyllis Sieg Judy Smith Lon Solie Ron Stanek Larry Stevens Steve Sudbrink Steve Taschner Roberta Thruston Jeanne Warner Linda Witte Celia Wood Dennis Woodford Jeannine Ziehr Dane Zook |
My good friend Dean Debusman left high school at the age of 16 and did not graduate
Dale Erdman lost his life in the Viet Nam War in 1968, our one class member to give the ultimate sacrifice for his country.
Class of 1966 Augusta Wisconsin
Digitized by Dennis from a photo album, July 2014