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Gloria Hillestad at the Wisconsin Dells Mill in Augusta Wisconsin

Gloria Visiting Augusta with Mom and Dad

July 6, 1977

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Parents 1977_00_00_dells_mill_glows_family_02.jpg

Janet Higley shows Gloria the Dells Mill

Gloria is working in Milwaukee and her parents are from Rio, Wisconsin

Both Gloria and Janet were somewhere near 30 in this photo. Gloria was a new friend for Dennis; that continuing friendship has extended for over 40 years

Forty years is a long time.  Dennis grew up on a dairy farm about one mile from the grist mill, passing it daily.  Dennis has been away from home for just ten years.  He was working in Milwaukee where he met Glow.  Gloria was a research librarian at Wauwatosa Public Library and remained there until she retired in the next century.

Janet Higley, from Osseo Wisconsin, was Dennis's friend since high school. She moved to Milwaukee where she became a friend of Gloria's.

This Wisconsin Dells Mill had retired as a full time working mill just a few years before these pictures were taking.  It was converted to a museum by owner Gus Clark

Wisconsin, Dells, mill, Gloria, Hillestad, Rio, Augusta, working, Osseo, library, Janet, century, Higley
Dennis digitized these pictures from a family photo album, October 2009