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Chester Cavil and his wife Yvonne dance it up at Dennis's 31st birthday
Dancing was called boogying in the disco era of the late 70's
December 16, 1978
1978-12-16 -- chester_cavil_and_yvonne_dance_02.jpg
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party at Tess' Tap
Chester managed the Woolworth Store on 35th and North Avenue
One block away from Tess's Tap on 36th Street in Milwaukee
Dennis helped Chester learn a few ropes as a first time manager and they became strong friends.
A curious fact: Milwaukee once required a dancing license in bars for it to be allowed. That fact let to the invention and legal practice of doing the hand jive
1978, Woolworth, local, bar, friends, surprise, Tess, Jerry, Chester, Ruth, Milwaukee, friend, 31
Photos made with Dennis' Polaroid SX-70 camera, digitized by scans in 2014