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Gerald Ferguson and Doris Lee were newly weds about five months before Dennis moved to New York
Doris and Gerry helped pack
March 16, 1979
03-16-leaving-milwaukee -- 1979_03_16_packing_for_ny_doris_ferguson.jpg
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Gerry and Doris lived in the Apartment above Dennis and Ruth
Gerry was Dennis's best friend in Milwaukee. He was married to Doris in October of 1978.
It is difficult to maintain friendships between single people and a married couple. I missed Gerry a lot after he got married even though he lived in the apartment above. I tried to avoid interfering in the newly weds life as they became familiar. Gerry was down in our apartment or we were up in his almost every day before they got married. Ruth and Dennis didn't' see him for weeks at a time after the wedding
Losing a best friend to a marriage is like a mourning. It was just another force that convinced me to make a career change and start something completely new
pack, Lee, marriage, Gerry, move, Doris, apartment, move, Ruth, career,
Dennis, wedding
Digitized 35 years later, in 2014, by Dennis from a photo album