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Hawaii Trip in October 1998 with Tom and Peggy and Family.

October Trip with Tom and Peggy and Family

October 1998

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Dennis at Heeia State Park on the Island of Oahu Dennis and Helton Sherri and Gary on the bed in the Oahu Condo Sherri Gary and Justin Sherri in the Hawaii Island Akaka Falls State Park
Dennis in
He'eia State Park
Helton and Dennis
China Hat
Sherri and Helton Sherri Gary and Justin
Sherri at Akaka Falls State Park on Hawaii Island
Sherri and Justin Justin Gary and Sherri on the Big Island Sherri and Justin with Akaka Falls in the background Justin and Sherri in an Hawaiian Island Rain Forest Justin Sherri and Gary
Sherri and Justin  at Akaka Falls State Park on Hawaii Island Justin Gary and Sherri The Big Island State Park with Sherri and Justin Justin and
 Sherri at the Waterfall
Justin Sherri and Gary
Tom on a schooner just off of Waikiki Sherri at the hotel
Gary on Hawaii Island at the Volcano National Park Tom Schooner ride off of Waikiki Sherri Getting Ready Justin and Sherri and Justin  at Akaka Falls State Park on Hawaii Island Justin Schooner ride off of Waikiki
Sherri in Akaka Falls        

Oahu and the Big Island with Sherri, Gary, Tom, Peggy, Dennis and Justin

Back Story:

Northwest Airlines Pilots were on strike for about 3 weeks in 1998.  The airline was pretty much grounded during the strike.

The strike was settled in late September and Northwest offered terrific deals to get their airplanes filled again

Round trips to Hawaii from just about everywhere in the Country were offered in a $400 to $500 range AND frequent flyer miles were doubled. The offer was good for about 30 days.  The double frequent flyer miles were just about enough for a free trip elsewhere.  Such a deal:  A cheap trip to Hawaii and a free trip to somewhere else

Dennis called Gary and Sherri, offered to pay for their trip. Away everyone went

Justin, Helton, Dennis, Sherri and Gary and Tom and Peggy all had a marvelous time.

Sherri and Gary used there frequent flyer miles to later visit Helton and Dennis in New York


Northwest, airlines, frequent, flyer, coisa, coisacoisa, Hawaii, schooner, Waikiki, Volcano, Sherri, Gary, Park, Tom, Peggy, Justin, Akaka, State, Park, Island, Heeia, Dennis 

The 1990's