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Festa da Brasileira and Brasileiro
How to Make a Caipirinha - Our Recipe
How do I make a Caipirinha? Recipe for a Caipirinha
Winter Wallop
1 lime cut up and crushed
1 or 2
tablespoon(s) of sugar
- crush the lime and sugar together to make a
syrupy mix -
1 to 2 shots of cachaça (spelled
cachaça in English)
- add the liquor to the mix and combine -
about a half cup of cracked ice cubes with water
Cachaça is available in large liquor stores but vodka may be
substituted if cachaça cannot be found
- A pretty girl or two adds extra spice -
Caipirinha made with snow from the New York Blizzard of 2005
Caipirinha is known as the Brazilian National Drink.
How to make a
Caipirinha Winter Wallop! Recipe! click it to see below - also
recipe for Pao de Queijo link
Special Guests Thaissa and Thacila From Brazil
Saturday, On a Snowy New York January Evening - The Winter Wallop of 2005 Birthday Party
Also see our
Recipes at Black Tie White Glove
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January 22, 2005
How to make Pao de Queijo
Brazilian Cheese Bread AKA Brazilian cheese rolls at BlackTieWhiteGlove.com
More about Cachaca (cachaça)
It's a Brazilian liquor made from distilled sugar cane juice. Many Brazilians make their own and it really is a "white lightning".
Rum, cachaca's cousin, is distilled from the extract of sugar cane which is molasses. Cachaca is distilled directly from the juice of the unrefined sugar cane. The juice is fermented in a wood or copper barrels, then boiled down to form a concentrate. Cachaca is distilled so that fragrance of sugar cane and a rum like flavor are maintained.
Cachaca (cachaça) is also known as Aguardente in Brazil Caipirinha is pronounced kai-pee-reen-ya (kai as in kayak)Cachaca (cachaça) is pronounced ka-shaa-suh. The vodka Brazilian version of a Caipirinha is called a caipivodka but no self respecting Brazilian would use vodka if Cachaca (cachaça) is available
Helenice's Snowy Birthday Party
Caipirinha, recipe, Winter, Wallop, Blizzard 2005, limes, sugar, snow, cachaça, recipe, Aguardente, batidas