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Old Milwaukee Days in 1971 featured antique circus wagons and small circus events.
Old Milwaukee Days stretch from June 30 to July 5. The festival evolved into Summerfest
July 4, 1971
Click a picture to see a larger view.
1971-07-00-Circus-Wagons (12 images)
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Friends Co workers and Family from Dennis' life in 1971
The Circus Days event was held annually from 1963 to 1973. There was a Grand Parade snaked downtown to the lakefront
Janet Higley is from Osseo Wisconsin, I don't know were Lois Lee was from. They became friends in Milwaukee
Dennis and Janet shared living quarters in West Allis Wisconsin for a couple of months
Lois, lakefront, Janet, circus, Milwaukee, parade, Old, Wisconsin, 1971, Lee, Higley, visit, downtown, wagons, clowns, annually, Dennis
The Photos are scanned by Dennis from family photo albums