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The family holiday tradition at Sherri and Gary's farm in Durand Wisconsin

The first Xmas of the 21st Century on the dairy farm

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2000_12_00_Wisconsin_A (28 images) Click a picture to see a larger view. 

Sherri Sherri Ardith Ardith Xmas tableau by Emogene Emogene and her art Nathan Nathan doing a crossword puzzle Kitty Kitty Sherri mugs for Christmas Gary Gary with a Christmas smile Farm house entry way Beautiful Sherri Donadean Emogene drinking beer Sherri gets a holiday phone call Augusta Wisconsin Carolers in the year 2000 Rose Guse in Augusta Wisconsin Nancy Randall Guse at the Community Center Nancy Guse and Rose Guse Waiting for the Christmas show Singing Chrismas Carols Matt Anderson paited a barn shed Sunshine on a painted barn Tom Randall Tom goofs off Tom at the woodshed Tom the Dicksonian

Dennis was home for the Christmas in the year 2000 early and actually before the holidays.  Dennis had to return to New York because he was scheduled to work during Christmas week.

The trip photographs are from December 8th through December 17th.  Spending days with Saxe family and time with my friends in Augusta Wisconsin.  Tom Peggy and Nancy

Gore vs. Bush Decision makes it a shocking holiday and a shocking time in American History

The most significant event that I remember of this 2000 holiday, was driving down the road between Augusta and Durand and hearing the decision that Bush won the 2000 presidential election as decided by the Supreme Court of the US.  The holiday was important but the decision more important to life in America.  The decision was on December 12 2000.  This decision pinpoints this year as the most significant of all my lifetime holidays

This decision is remembered like I remember the moment of hearing Kennedy's assassination. NPR was on the car radio and I was on Highway 12 at the corner of County AF (aka County HH) near Augusta.  It was about 4:30 pm

Helton did not make this holiday, he too had to work in New York

Glimpses of the Old Farm House

The dairy farm entry way into the Farm House

Visiting family and friends in Augusta

Seeing Tom, his sister Nancy and listening to the Augusta Wisconsin carolers during the Christmas 2000 holiday season

This photo diary of life is being updated in late 2015. 

family, Xmas, farm, Christmas, holiday, 2000, traditional

Year 2000 Xmas photographs by the Ricoh RDC-5300