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The lunch buffet at Heber and Concinha's on a sunny winter day in Oliveira Brasil

Lunch is traditionally the largest meal of the day in Brazil so the meal was large and delicious with Brazilian fare.

Lunch was formerly followed by a siesta, but it is less common now.  The workday schedule was started at 9 or 10, lunch from 1 to 3, with a siesta and then work from 3 to 8 or 9.  Those customs have changed to American style schedules

Oliveira -- 2015_07_20_oliveia_concinha_0966.jpg

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Concinha lunch in Oliveira Brazil

The late afternoon meal, dinner cannot be compared to the large meal Americans call dinner.  The Brazilian late meal usually consists of snacks and Hors d'oeuvres in small portions.  They are frequently composed of main course food items one might find at a regular Brazilian lunchBrazilian dinners are frequently without rice and beans.  They and preferably socially shared at local outdoor cafes and bars

A refeição no final da tarde, jantar não pode ser comparado com os grandes americanos chamam de refeição jantar. A refeição tardia brasileira geralmente consiste de petiscos e canapés em pequenas porções. Eles são freqüentemente compostas de itens alimentares que se poderia encontrar em um almoço brasileira regular. Jantares brasileiros são freqüentemente e de preferência socialmente compartilhado em cafés ao ar livre e bares locais

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Lunch, largest, meal, Heber, Brazil, 2015, Oliveira, dinner, brasil, snacks, photos, Concinha, party, social, bars, cafe, guests, rice, beans, outdoor, food, coisacoisa

Oliveira photos by Sharon's iPhone 6

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