Coisa Coisa
1930s/ 1940s/ 1950s |
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2020s / |
Recent Years |
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Nathan Weds
next year |
~ 2022 double digits |
~ 2023 Hope we are around |
Interests on Dennis' Occasional Pages CoisaCoisa include writing and trying to control our privacy
Writing - Putting Thoughts to Words Relaxes and Sometimes Embarrasses Especially when it is not good.
Privacy - There isn't any but you can try to keep a little. The musing will be restructured later but hope you think about these things.
Music - Collecting since my Grandmother played the Son's of the Pioneers. It has been my hobby since about 5 and I have been collecting it ever since
The new pages include the Album title, my album number, the artist, copyright date and release date (if it available). My album rating, 1 to 5, follows the remarks
Drop me a note with your views of any listed album and I may include it when reviews are revisited.