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Rodeos, World Trade Center, Tragedy and 9/11. CoisaCoisa Full Year 2001 Photo Index

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[ Also see Remembering Ruth Sandy Pellmann ]

2001 Photos And Videos. World Trade Center Tragedy, 9/11, Phoenix Rodeo and Events that change the life of CoisaCoisa and the World Forever.  Helton and Peggy turns 50

January 13, 2001 Sunset with the World Trade Centers


Justin Moore and Emogene May 12, 2001

2001-01-13 Phoenix Rodeo on Martin Luther King's Holiday with Dennis and Helton Views of The World Trade Center from 2001.  Video too

2001-04-14 Vicentina in New York
 for Robert and Priscilla's Wedding

2001-05-12 Mothers Day in Wi Emogene. Updated

Peggy! Peggy Randall's 50th Birthday May 12, 2001 - Guests Saxes in New York

Buddhist Temple in Elmhurst New York with the World Trade Centers on the Sklyline - June 6 2001

Marco's Mother and Janine Lucas Visit New York - Helton, Norma, Janine, Marcos
2001-05-12 Peggy Randall's 50th Birthday 2001-05-24 Saxes in New York

2001-06-09 Buddhist Funeral in Elmhurst New York

2001-06-10 Marco's Mom in New York

July 4th Weekend 2001 at Sherri and Garys

Bean and Bacon Days Jusin Moore and Matt Visit New York July 7 2001 with Friends Emogene's July 28 2001 Birthday with Sherri and Helton

Updated! 2001-07-04 Wisconsin 4th of July Weekend

2001-07-04 Bean and Bacon Days in Augusta Wisconsin

Updated! 2001-07-07 Justin in New York with Matt 2001-07-28 Mom's Birthday. Updated!
Labor Day Weeked 2001 September 2-5 Wisconin in Durand and Alma Wisconsin - Helton Wows the Cows October 2001 Helton's Party at the Apartment - A Delayed Birthday  - Marcos

October 2001 Beach Day at Riis Park in Queens New York

October 10th Get Together at the Apartment

2001-09-04 Labor day Weekend in Durand Wisconsin with a Visit to Alma 2001-10-06 Helton's Get Together and a birthday party

2001-10-15 Queens Beach Deserted but warm enough for swimming & Art

2001-10-19 Pablo and Vivianne at the Apartment

Dennis Helton and Mucio on the Desert 2001

Helton Selesia Helonise, Raphael, Helenice Dennis December 16 2001 Birthday in Arizona

Miss Univers 2001 and Donald J Trummp

2001-11-11 Trip to Nevada and Arizona with Mucio

2001-11-24 Thanksgiving in Elmhurst New York

2001 12 -16 Dennis Bday in Arizona.  The best birthday ever

Helton at the Miss Universe Contest 2001 with Donald Trump

Remembering 2001 with trepidation and joy. 2001 is the year everything changed in the United States and the World

Visit each index to see all the photos from 2001

Visiting the World Trade Centers

coisa, coisacoisa, world, trade, center, 9/11, terrorism, changed, forever, Helton, Dennis, Justin, matt, Anderson, um, dois, one, two, Nevada, Arizona, Mucio, Muscio, visit