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Labor Day Weekend in Durand Wisconsin and Gary has a devilish smile. One week away for 9/11 when the world changed forever
A simple time on Sherri and Gary's Dairy Farm in Durand Wisconsin
Helton and Dennis with family and friends on an extended late summer weekend
09-04-LaborDay-In-Wisconsin (30 images)
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Labor Day Weekend in Wisconsin, September 2-5 2001 Click a picture to see a larger view.
Picnic with Nathan, Kelly, her parents, Nathan Emogene and Toby. Pleasant days and nights and a weekend to remember. Field corn is ripe and sweet corn was featured for lunch
Emogene visits and we took a country road drive to Alma Wisconsin to watch the locks on the Mississippi River. We stopped at an Ice Cream Parlor and photographed the sites
Dennis and Helton returned to New York on September 6th 2001. Just 5 days later, September 11, 2001, terrorists attacked and destroyed the World Trade Center in NYC
We drank and had a good time. The next months will make difficult times in the lives of all Americans
Summer, Wisconsin, Durand, visitors, Sherri, farm, September, 2001, Dennis, family, Helton, friends Gary, Brazil, simple, World, changed, corn, cows, Toby
Taken by Dennis with a Ricoh RDC-5300 digital camera in September of 2001