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CoisaCoisa 2003 Photos Index

CoisaCoisa Index of Videos and Photographs in the 2003 Year. Presidents Day Blizzard, Weddings and visiting friends in Wisconsin and New York

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Helton Knuth - Heloisa - Raphael in the Presidents Day Blizzard February 17 2003

Rosangela in the newly wed Bride

Silesia Guillermo and Dennis on Johns Street  

Presidents Day Blizzard in Elmhurst New York February 17, 2003. Updated!

Rosangela Torres Get married April 2003

John Street on April 14 2003 with Patricia and Guilermo  
Dennis at the party Silesia in Central Park Janine's Apartment on 73rd Street in Manhattan  

April 20th 2003 Easter at Helton's Apartment. Updated!

Silesia Patricia in Central Park with Cherry Blossoms Janine's Apartment on 73rd Street just before she moved to Brazil  
Connie at the apartment

Goodbye to Janine

Farewell to Janine  
Connie and friends visit the Apartment Farewell Party for Janine as she moves to Brazil.  May 2003 June 1 Farewell for Janine.  Just Dennis Helton, Murilo and Janine.  
Barbeque with Silesia in a New York Apartment Durand Wisconsin July 4th Weekend 2003 Grams Family reunion together at aunt Jeanettes  
BBQ with Silesia. July 1 2003

July 4th Holiday Weekend with special guests Erv and Gloria 2003

Orville Visits Wisconsin. July 2003  

Sherri Dennis and Justin on the Farm

Peggy and Tom Dells Mill Reflection Justin and Julia on the Brooklyn Bridge

August visit to the Farm in 2003.  Dennis Justin and Julia.  Pictures on lawns and cornfields.  Sweet corn for summer

Visiting Tom and Peggy in Augusta Wisconsin in August 2003

Dells Mill and Dells Mill Museum from the Dells Pond  August 2003

Julia and Justin Visit New York in September 2003

Dennis did some work for Lucia Tristao and CarangolaNY creating a web site, and also creating a site called City Dog.  Lucia never followed through.  Also created a site for Brazilian Art by Janine. Dennis was working at Faith and Values Media and Lightworks Group, creating web sites for staff memebers


Helton, apartment, Silesia, Patricia, cherry, blossoms, Rosangela, presidents, blizzard, 2003, photos, video, photograph, married, Central Park, August, Tom, Peggy, farm, Justin, Julia