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Helton's Cars -- Helton and Dennis' Car Emo Photographed on February 26 2010 It's a Red 1997 Subaru Impreza

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Helton's Red Subaru Impreza 1997

This 1997 Subaru drove out of the snow bank with no effort

The car is named Emo!, Short for Emogene. The red 1997 Subaru Impreza was purchased in 2008 from a friend at the Brazilian consulate.  Photo was taken on a snowy day in February 2010 - At almost 13 years old it runs perfectly.  Gas mileage in city driving is about 20 miles per gallon.  If the car were in perfect condition (no dents, etc) it would have a resale value of $2200 in 2010

This little Subaru is great driving in Snow!

Updated 2014.  The car still runs perfectly.  Emo is a nickname for Emogene.  Coisa um's mother. 

Updated January 2015 - still purrs like a kitten.   No major repairs.  An 18 year old Subaru.   Only repair in 2014, a new blower for the ventilation system

Snow, get out of the Way!  This little car will be coming through even tho there is 10 inches on the unplowed streets.

Red Subaru Impreza 1997 model

 Photographed May 2014

Helton's Red Subaru Impreza 1997


1996,1997,2003,2010,11373,10 inches,45th Ave , 81st, Street, Avenue, Cars, Elmhurst, Emo, February, Ford, Helton's, Helton's, 2015, Impreza, name, New York, NY, Photograph, Photos, snow, Street, Subaru, Taurus, Wisconsin, Zenilda, Red, Subaru, Impreza, 1997, resale, value, driving, $2200, red, vermillion, great car