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Sherri and Hal Moore Get Married at Grace Lutheran Church in Augusta Wisconsin
Next door neighbors get married
July 14 1975
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1975-Sherri-Wedding-Hal-Moore (10 images)
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Girl marries the boy next door
Both Sherri and Hall grew up on farms on County V in Augusta Wisconsin. The dairy farms were litterly next door. The bride and groom both attended school in Augusta. They knew each other for their entire lives - so why no get married
The wedding was held on a steamy day in Augusta at the Grace Lutheran Chruch. (The construction of the church made by the manual labor of the congregation including the Moore and Knuth families
I remember this wedding being tough on the Bride's mother Emogene. Emogene of course cried at the ceremony but she cried again when everyone was leaving the church for the receptions, and they forgot about taking he along
Photos taken with a Polaroid SX-70. Digitized by Dennis in May 2014 from a personal family photo album