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Tom and Peggy come to Milwaukee for shopping and to visit the Bauchs and Dennis
The visitors stayed in a hotel near the Capital shopping center - easy to go and spend money
March 18, 1976
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Shopping for clothes and visiting friends
The Randalls from Augusta Wisconsin visit Dennis and Dennis, life long friends
Tom and Peggy graduated with both Dennis Bauch and Dennis Knuth from Augusta High School. Pat Grode Bauch, Dennis' wife, and Peggy's sister Barb joined in the fun. We were all in our late teens or early twenties. Dennis was working at Woolworth in Milwaukee and Dennis Bauch and Pat lived in Menomonie Falls, a suburb north west of the city
Dennis K was the first of his classmates to have a credit card. Tom and Peggy followed and still teases, 40 years later, how he shopped too much and it took a long time to pay it off.
Bauch, visit, Dennis, spring, 1976, shop, Randall, shopping, Milwaukee, hotel
Photos by Dennis with a Polaroid SX70 instant camera
The Photos were
scanned from Dennis' albums in 2014 and 2015