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September tour and trip for New Yorkers Dennis, Helton, Tom and Sergio to Arizona
A long 4 day weekend for Labor Day
September, 1994
arizona 1994 (11 images) Click a picture to see a larger view.
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Arizona is Dennis's favorite state and his goal is to show it to all of his New York Friends
We left from New York on the Thursday, in the evening, of the Labor Day weekend and returned on Monday, Labor Day in 1994. It was a show trip but we were happy to show Sergio and Tom around our favorite state.
Sergion was our long time friend. Tom was Sergio's landlord and a causual acquaintence, we had only had dinner with him, once, at our apartment in Elmhurst.
We stopped at the Zoo on a Sunday and found it a great place to visit.
Arizona, favorite, September, trip, Helton, friends, Dennis, coisacoisa,
Tom, tour, Sergio
Photos scanned from Dennis Personal Photo Album photo prints in 2019