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Sharon has a happy new year cocktail party in Eau Claire Wisconsin, Cheese Balls and Cachaca were served
Guests were Dennis and Helton from New York, and Debbie, Connor and Paul from Eau Claire
January 1, 2016
2016-01-01-cocktails-at-sharons-winphone (12 images)
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Smiles and laughter on a bright day with plenty of sunshine
Sharon's son, Paul took most of the Pictures of the group so he is on only one photograph. Helton brought so home made cheese balls and Dennis brought the wine.
Sharon had made some terrific snacks. Debbie and Connor provided laughter and more
Sharon took time to show us her wonderful house and home. There is a natural warmth about the place. Fresh snow made the event fell like the Christmas in Wisconsin that it was
Thank you for inviting us to you home in Eau Claire Wisconsin for cocktails
Helton and Sharon, with Helton's tutelage, made Caipirinhas from Cachaca Sharon and Debbie brought with them from the trip to Brazil in July. Conversation was remembering the trip
New York, Helton, guests, Dennis, Helton, cocktails, snacks, Brazilian
, drinks, Paul, Debbie, balls, cheese, Connor, served
Photos by Lumia 640 Windows smart phone