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Monarch Butterflies and Honey Bees in a postage size Prairie Park on MacArthur Ave in Eau Claire Wisconsin
Look closely for the Honey Bees on the Golden Rod. Autumn last gasps of summertime friends
September 20, 2017
Bees and Monarchs on Golden Rod plants
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The tiny park is located on the Bollinger Fields parking lot on MacArthur Avenue
It was a windy but warm day at the last half of September. The Monarchs were getting a last feeding. They apparently had paused on their trip back to wintering quarters in Northern Mexico
This video was taken just 9 days before Dennis ended up in the hospital with a burst and infected appendicitis and, a few weeks later, open heart surgery.
Monarch, prairie, Honey, bees, park, MacArthur, avenue, eau, Claire
Video taken with a Canon PowerShot SX50 HS digital camera by Dennis