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Dennis Occasional Pages Family and Friends.  Photo and Video Log of the lives of Coisa Coisa!

Pictures from 1925 to 2026. Over 100 years of family photo history.  Over 10,000 pages.

New and continuing updates for the 2020s.  Now see 2024 & 2025 Brazil Trip

    Brazil 2025 Index    

Also See our Comics Collection at Comics.CoisaCoisa.info

Our Most Popular Page is the Feet and Toes Knows Photographs

Planting our straw bale Garden of Jilo aka Gilo


Elvis Sneer Jared February 2007

Dennis Knuth, Linda Witte, Susan Bethke and Dennis Bauch

Memorial day grave of Emogene and John

Planting our straw bale garden of Jilo
( Gilo)

updated! 2001-04-14 Vicentina in New York
 for a Wedding

Update! February 2008 Elvis sneer

Update! 1965 Prom in Augusta Wisconsin

Moms and Dad's Grave in 2020 Memorial day

Easter Snowstorm Video

Sherri Gary and Kathy

Marcos and Helton at Superstition Mountain


Self Isolation Dennis Knuth

Easter Snowstorm Video April 12

Updated!  Durand Roctober Fest 2009 with Kathy

Updated! Arizona 1999 with Marcos

Updated! Yeda and Ronaldo in 1980s

Self-isolating Dennis talking with Tom through the window

Helton Wows the cows

Jusin Moore and Matt Visit New York July 7 2001 with Friends

Everyone loves Norma Hansen Marcos Mother

Bus Pickup Request for Peggy's 50th Birthday

Seeing the Gateway Arch in St Louis

updated! Labor Day in 2001

updated! Justin and Matt Visit New York 2001

updated! Visiting New York with Marco

updated! Peggy's 50th Birthday Party

Gary and Sherri in St Louis 2008 Summer

Christmas Family in 2019

Debbie's 49th Birthday at Chicken Chaser

Nathan's Birthday 2020

Decembeer 24th Eve at the Farm

Christmas December 26 2015

Christmas of All/ in 2019 of Sherri
and Gary's Family

Debbie's December Birthday at Chicken Chasers

Nathan's Birthday 2020-02-07

2015 Christmas at the Farm 

December 26 2015 after Helton Arrives

 Golden Apple Award for Debbie

Squinting in the mountain sunshine after a new snow



Debbie Wins Golden Apple Video

New - Emogene with Ruby Bennett in NY 1985

Updated! A Weekend in the Poconos February 2005

Updated! Sherri and Gary's first Christmas in their Brand New House

Updated! Celebrating Helton's 2009 Birthday at Olga's by Ines


Pumpkin Patch and Halloween
Updated!  Durand Pumpkin patch

Dennis on the farm at Christmas 2002

Christmas 2002 at Sherri's updated!

Ruth and Gloria visit Sherri Gary Helton and Dennis

Ruth and Glow Visiting Durand Wisconsin - October 2019


Justin and Julia on the Brooklyn Bridge

Vintage Porcelain Christmas Ornament 1925

Christmas 2006 with Sherri and Gary

Sherri and Gary present the steaming turkey

thumb 1907 Photo of Augusta Wisconsin


Julia and Justin in NYC

Vintage Porcelain Christmas Ornament 1925

Christmas 2006 with Sherri and Gary Updated!

Updated!  2002 Thanksgiving at Sherri's and Gary's

Updated! 1907 Augusta Wi Photo


Kakabeka Falls Ontario with Helton and Dennis

Girls in the back yard

Helton with Silesia and Guillermo

Kitschy business in downtown Scottsdale Arizona

Nathan and Kelly rehearsal and after-party


Day trip to Canada August 27 2019

Doris Grams Madden visits Wisconsin 2004 updated!

2003 John Street with Silesia and Guillermo updated!

Scottsdale April 28 updated!

The Rehearsal and Rehearsal After-Party May 7 2004 update!


Olga Kakavales at her 97th Birthday

Tarcisio at the Thanks Giving Parade

Soccer Playing Dog

Dennis shows friends the Grand Canyon

Sally with friends Helton, Sherri and Gary


Olga's 97th Birthday 2016 Jan 21, 2016

Updated! Ines and Tarcisio at Olga's Thanksgiving 2010

Soccer Dog Video on the Farm June 2019

Arizona 1994 with Sergio and Tom on Labor Day Weekend, 1994

Sally visits on a July Day 2019


July 4th Weekend 2001 at Sherri and Garys

Dennis Knuth and Olga wave to the camera

San Francisco peaks

Sherri Does Some Talking

Friends that last a lifetime for Gloria


Updated! 2001-07-04 Wisconsin 4th of July Weekend

Olga and Helenice's 2007 Birthday Updated!

We are updating our 2012 Trip to Arizona

Newly edited videos from 1993.  Chamber pots and mean brothers

Independence weekend at Glows 2019


Helton Depaulo and his mighty magical Oak

Kitty Kitty - Sherri's Winking Cat

Miss Univers 2001 and Donald J Trummp

Justin and Nathan adventurers in the woods

Dancing Cow Video


Day of Summer 2019 Straw Bales and Ode to Oak

Sherri's Winking Cat - Kitty Kitty

Helton at the Miss Universe Contest 2001

Dennis annual Summertime visit fun with family, July, 1988

Dancing Cow Video


Sherri at the Altar on her wedding day

Helton and Brazilian Friends at the Whitehouse

Dennis Knuth shirtless in Chicago


Dennis December 16 2001 Birthday in Arizona


Sister Sherri Gets Married

Helton and friends in Washington DC October 1980 with Yeda and others - new additons

Dennis and Donna Take in Chicago 1972

2001-04-14 Vicentina in New York
 for Wedding updated

Updated. December 2001 Dennis' best birthday ever

[ Gravestone of Emogene, her Mother Reta, brother Gordon and sister Donadean ]

3435 Fairfax

Milwaukee County Stadium in 1974

New pages in 2019

Emogene Emogene Dennis's 1995 Chevrolet Lumina

New Apartment on Fairfax Street in 2018

Milwaukee Brewers at County Stadium May 4, 1974

Autumn visit to Augusta 2016-11-12 with Emogene Knuth

Emogene Reta Grams Knuth Obituary

UpdatedDennis and Helon's Cars

Bees Emogene's family Jared's first video Thanksgiving 2016

Dennis and Sherri visit Augusta Wisconsin

Monarch Butterflies and Honey Bees autumn video

Christmas 2016 at Sherri and Gary's with our mother Emogene Knuth.  Emogene's last

Jared's 2016 Christmas Video including Emm

Thanksgiving 2016 with Nate and Kelly, our Mom's last

Updated! 2004-12-26  Day after Christmas on the Dells Pond in Augusta Wisconsin

NewYorkPass 2015 id card front
Updated in 2021, our New York Pass Review

We've add a Blizzard Page of photos of the top 5 Blizzards in New York

Updated and New Pages

December Birthday

Muscio in Wisconsn0

John Knuth and Dennis Knuth

Lisette and Concinha in New York for the Christmas Holidays

Dennis and Debbie's 2017 Birthdays in December - new

Mucio in Wisconsin in September 2006 - revised

Dennis Returned From New York to get his car 1979

Lisette and Concinha in NY for Christmas - updated

We lost our Mom, Emogene, on March 17, 2017

Zoo Bears thumbnail

Straw Bale Garden

Sherri and Sally in New York

Superstition Mountains and Stella

Helenice, Rose, and Helton in May 2000

Milwaukee 1974 Miscellaneous Photos

Straw Bale Garden 2018

 Sherri and Sally in New York September 2010

Apache Trail April 26 updated

Dennis Helenice and Helton Visit Rose May 2000 Update

family on the ferry Thanksgiving 2001 MGM Casino Greek Easter At Olgas Holly Cross in Belo

Lake Superior July 4 Weekend 2000 Updated!

2001 Thanksgiving in New York Queens 2001-11-24 Updated!

Erv Dennis and Gloria - Las Vegas September 2000

Orthodox Easter 2009 at Olga's

Dudu takes us to the mountain top

Photographer Randalls visit Dennis in Milwaukee Tess 1977 Birthday First time grandma The fountain at City Hall Park in downtown Manhattan

Updated! Our Arrival in Phoenix 2012

Spring Visit to Milwaukee.  Tom and Peggy Visit Dennis in Milwaukee 1976-03-18 New!

Tess Boehm's Birthday 1977-09-22 New addition

Nathan's first year 1979 New Grandma Emogene New!

Updated!  Sherri Jared and Kelsey in New York 2014

Gloria's family Wedding reception July 2013 birthdays 1977_00_00_dells_mill_glows_family_02.jpg Moving to New York

New! Gloria and Erv in New York December 1996 with brother Eric

Woolworth Staff Store 956 Milwaukee Wisconsin 1973 New addition

July 2013 Birthdays Updated! Emogene Jared and Colin bdays

New addition Gloria at the Dells July 1977 with her parents

Leaving for New York 1979-03-16

Confirmation In the sun on the farm Holiday in Durand Wisconsin 2013 Birthday 1978 Brewers 1975

New! Dennis' Confirmation in 1962 at Grace Lutheran Church in Augusta

Justin Graduates Updated! Party 2000-05-13

Holiday Season Visit by Dennis and Helton - December 2013 and early 2014 Updated!

New! Dennis's 31st birthday 1978

New! Brewer's Opening Game 1975 1975-04-08

Happy 2016 New Years Group Blizzard of 2016 food Enjoying the lawn Raphal Visits Wisconsin

Cocktails at Sharon's to Celebrate the New Year 2016

The Great North East Blizzard of 2016 These are cars on the street after 30 inches of snow in New York

New! Helton's 65th Birthday 2016-09-13

New! 2016-09-06 Helton spends labor day in Wisconsin

New! 2016-09-07 Raphael Visits

Maria Lena's front Yard Family at the Belo Horizonte Bus Station Durand Wisconsin Flowers in September Olga and Toby New York 2010 Blizzard

Updated! Maria Lena's House in Oliveira

Update!  Bus ride from Belo Horizonte to Oliveira

September Flowers in 2007

Olga's 92nd Birthday

The 2010 Great Holiday East Coast Blizzard 2010-12-26

Family at Easter Durand Days Dinosau Father and Uncle Jared's 2nd birthday Snow Hurricane
New! Sherri and Gary's Easter 2011 New! Durand Days 2011 in Wisconsin Jared at three weeks and Justin gets married 2005-08

Jared's Second Birthday Party 2007-06-30 Updated!

Update! Snow Hurricane of 2010

Around the picnic table doris_emogene_jeanette_sherri_2004_0704a.jpg Emogene' t-shirt Christmas Season 2008 at Sherri and Gary Saxe's in Durand Wisconsin Dennis December 16 2001 Birthday in Arizona Superstition Mountains
Updated! Ollie and Orville Grams return home to Wisconsin Doris Grams Madden visits Wisconsin July 2004 Updated Vern's photos at Emogene's 2002 Birthday Updated! The full month Christmas Season 2008

Dennis 2001 Birthday in Phoenix, updated!

Grandpa John with family Sherri and Janine Rio de Janeiro Visit2009 On Ipenama Beach Tourists at Sugar Loaf
  2007 Full Month Christmas. Revised! Updated! Janine Shows us Liberty Square Updated!  The 2009 Copacabana beach visit Updated! Days on Ipanema with Sherri Gary, Dennis and Helton 2009 Updated! Katia takes us to Sugar Loaf
January 2005 Birthday Party Emogene celebrating Funeral family Central Park - Presidents Day Blizzard - February 17 2003

Durand Wisconsin July 4th Weekend 2003

The Winter Wallop Storm Party Emogene's 2002 birthday pix by Silesia

Dads Funeral Week in Wisconsin 2012-06-13 Updated

Presidents Day Blizzard 2003 in New York 2013-02-17

2003 July 4th Wisconsin Weekend Updated

Photos from Heloisa and Ricardo's Wedding, Brazil, 1986

  Family and friends at Helton's birthday party Street car and Victorian Home in Brazil
 Helton celebrates his 2004 birthday in Brazil Updated!  Katia takes us to Lunch in Brazil.  Street Cars and Victorian Homes
Christmas in the Garage with Family
Christmas Day 2014

Brazilian Moeira Family
New! Brasil familia Moreira

 Tower of Light Tribute at the World Trade Centers 2015
 Brazil Agenda 2015
Videos of the 2015 Brazil Trip
Dinner Party in Belo Horizonte
Helton's Oliveira
New! Brazil 2015 Photos
Engagement Party
Touring Belo Horizonte
Touring Rio
Brazilian Street fair in Belo Horizonte
Seagulls scurry in the sand
October Beach Day
Chester Cavil and Ruby Visiting Brazil for the 1993 Carnival Olga's Cadillac photos updated

New!  Janine says hello from an August 2015 Video

Sunset with the Freedom Tower

Updated! Ed and Kaydi's Wedding
Updated! Nathan and Kelly's Wedding
We've added a 2015 page

The Great Blizzard of 2015.  New York and New England.  A personal chronology of the January 26 to 28 storm

Rita Zank Grams marriage to Ernie Kunert New!

Freedom Tower Panorama
New! Freedom Tower Sunset New! Freedom Tower Sunset Panorama 
Updated ! Helton and Donald Biesecker's 2002 Birthdays

See Our Caipirinha Recipe on a Snowy Birthday Party Page.

New! 1966 Graduation - New! 1965 Augusta Wisconsin Prom

Sherri and Gary's 1990 Wedding Videos Added

New York Elmhurst Blizzard 2010
Higher Resolution New York Elmhurst Blizzard 2010
Blizard from the 10th Floor December 26 and 27 2010

The Great Blizzard of 2010

A photographic and video diary of a life and a family.

Tens of thousands of photos from 1920 forward